November Snow


SKU: novembersnow Category: Tags: , , ,

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13 reviews for November Snow

  1. Mark A. [liferplus]

    although it would be difficult to improve on this one, I think NS might be worthy of an update.

  2. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    Our mountain valley was dumped on last night. This scene is similar to what I saw through our window this morning. The details and color and foliage are balanced creating a scene, a portal.

  3. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, some of the triple-screen links go to lone tree instead of November snow.

  4. DocPlum

    This has been my favorite winter wallpaper ever since it first came out. I like the sense of cold and yet the movement of life. And I always love water in any of these wallpapers because I make my own icons and I have water-related ones like ducks and swans and fish. So I need somewhere to put them. 🙂

  5. Andy T

    How interesting, four years later and I submit another comment, but as my sign-in name; docpixl. I had forgotten I wrote of this previously. My first comments are much more poetic. I wonder if I thought of November Snow when I took my photo on the Mogollon Rim. I titled the photo Ponderosa Powder, because the Ponderosa Pine of the ‘Rim’ were completely white, just like this image. I have wanted to send you the image I took ever since. Your vision is sometimes as close to reality as art can get. Thank you.

  6. docpixl

    I have taken a photograph almost exactly like that. It’s at the top of the Mogollon Rim on Hwy 260 going towards Forest Lakes, Arizona, elevation 7,882 feet. No water or wolves but the trees, yes, the trees are like you were there.

  7. Ryan

    Ha! Thanks for the laugh Renee.

  8. Renee

    Restful, easy to look at, sigh of relief, oh oh run like hell

  9. rdeforest

    I like this scene a lot, but now that I have a dual-monitor setup at work the trees on the left look weird to me. Would be neat to get updates fixing that kind of distortion on older scenes like this.

  10. Emily

    Have you ever been to Alaska? Because you captured the view perfectly! I have seen this at lakes here. It’s perfect!

  11. Justin

    I like it, and apreaciate it.

  12. Andy T. 10-12-06

    I like your landscapes. Almost all of them can be and are soothingly relaxing. What strikes me most about the ones I prefer over others is the inclusion of a mammal(s).

    It makes them more familiar, and relateable to experiences of my life and most other people, I imagine. I look at this scene and think “I know where I could find it.” I just have to get back into the out country, away from humans crushing in on each other.

    Back to some peace and calm and the particularly haunting cry of a wolf howling just before dawn in winter. I have seen days like this and they are rare exceptions and visual delights not soon forgotten.

    You capture that mix of fantasy and reality and blend them into a new perception(perspective) in such a way that many people are captivated into your worlds. That’s power. You weild it well. It may be enjoyable to read our comments; but how do you respond emotionally and intellectually? A word, continue to be the artist you are. Our influence must be minimal, if at all. They are your works, your art. And those of us who say, more this, more that, no. No, I say.

    Create YOUR vision and we like it, or not.

  13. MIchelle

    I’m so used to the darker color wallpapers that when I tried this out, I almost felt blinded at the sudden change of whiteness. I definitely agree with your preference for the darker color wallpapers, Ryan. Still, it’s a lovely picture and obviously a popular one. 🙂 I think this one of your better done winter scenes.

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