Morning Glory


SKU: morningglory2k5 Category: Tags: , , ,

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10 reviews for Morning Glory

  1. Ryan

    Sorry I missed your post earlier. I would use the 3840 x 1200 image, it will be slightly cropped but then so would whatever file I could create myself.

  2. John Charl

    Ryan, I put this on my wife’s dual screen several years ago and we love it. I just upgraded to two 1920×1080 monitors. What is the correct size to use for those? I would think 3840×1080, but don’t see that?

  3. Anonymouse

    Beautiful picture.

  4. Tyler

    Now that I notice the original version from 98, this could in fact be the same woman 7 years later…

  5. Ryan

    No, I work out of the house so I am with my family all of the time. I pictured this woman pining for someone who is far away, far too often.

  6. Tyler

    Does the woman depict your wife in this? Just curious…

  7. Jenanne

    The link is broken for the Morning Glory 2k51 pickle jar image (Morning Glory (2005) 1 1152 x 864). Thanks!

  8. Jenanne

    I guess I should say it’s still broken. I just noticed I commented on this last July. I’m sure this isn’t high on your list, nor mine it seems. 😉

  9. Revy-1

    Morning glory is a beautiful picture, but in this case, I would say the pickle jar version is that much better then the other.

  10. Jenanne

    Picklejar morningglory2k51 1152 x 864 link is broken. Thanks!

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