

SKU: key Category: Tags: , ,

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5 reviews for Keys

  1. Psiclonius

    I’ve always been inspire by the simplicity. …the possibilities

  2. Zyrieen

    I see your point about the ‘if you looked closer’, but I have a slightly different perspective – what if these were God’s keys, and the tines actually the cities they resemble? Babel-style.

    Just something to think about I guess 🙂

  3. Robert

    I look at this and think, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if you looked closer, and the rings were actually space habitats…”

  4. Liz

    Love it! Very unique, clean, crisp, colorful yet simple. Only on DB!! This site is absolutely fabulous!

  5. Jenanne

    I don’t know what it is about this piece, but I just love it. Maybe an updated version?

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