Hidden Falls


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55 reviews for Hidden Falls

  1. Miriam [lifer]

    I have been using this image for my lockscreen for years- I am very disappointed that when I upgraded my monitor it is too small now to look good at the higher resolution. Maybe queue this one for a remake at higher res?

  2. Dave

    This work definitely stands out to me over the others. Each area of the picture has a different mood to it, and the emerald green of the plants is full, vibrant, and pleasing to look at. The light coming from the top right is amazing, as is the work done on the water. Awesome job!

  3. Gabe

    I think its wonderful, look forward to more rainforest/jungle like scenes in the future 🙂

  4. MrJunk

    I’ve been a fan of your wallpapers for some years, about 12 or more.

    All your wallpapers are excellent, top quality. But this one… this one stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Absolutely amazing.


  5. Josh

    The detail in this picture is good, but it is too monochrome. i think a colorful (mostly red) bird, maybe in one of the trees to the left, would make the image much better.

  6. rene

    well the concept is great and relaxing, but I think it could look my real, the waterfall splash seems weird, the plants are to green. But this is just one humble mans opinion.

  7. Jay Mallison

    this would be an amazing HD video background if animated for use in windows dreamscene on Vista….

    I think this is one of your best Ryan.

  8. Schultsc

    Cool subject matter. If anything add some more depth to the image to keep it from being starkly foreground-background. Reminds me a bit of something from the Incredibles movie (not a bad thing as that has a really neat look as well).

  9. clearsmoke

    This is … WHOA!

    -going as my desktop for ubuntu 🙂

  10. Phillip Deck

    Perfect image…especially for Vue….knowing it is hard to make waterfalls…this one came out perfect…nice tropical plants- nothing to say what needs improvement…all looking good

  11. JLuv

    As Waterfalls go I am a big fan. (Of anything water I am a big fan.) I think that this is an exceptional rendering, particularly considering how difficult water is to recreate accurately. I think this is beautiful.I especially like the light effects that make it more “real” to me. I would love to see a moon light night render of this.

  12. Mike D.

    I was in the mood for something “springy” today and this hit it on the mark. Still, it would be could be cool if you could incorporate some type of rainbow effect from the water spray. Still, a very stellar piece of artwork.

  13. Aurelyn

    Fantastic job on the waterfall. I particularly like the spray effect at the base. As others have mentioned, a splash of additional colour in the form of some flowers or a rainbow would make the whole scene even more appealing.

  14. Bas

    This is an great wallpaper, but i also love to see more detail in the foreground in the green leaves and bush exept from that: great work!!

  15. J

    I’m with Tez. I think a frozen version of this come winter time could be awesome.

    I like the pic Ryan. Sitting as my laptop background until the next image I’m sure.

  16. Mike

    Beautiful! I love your wallpapers which feature nature scenery 🙂 I can’t wait to see the next one!

  17. Mike

    I read a few of the others’ comments. I liked the idea someone mentioned of adding a rainbow effect in the waterfall’s spray. If you make any additional versions of this, could you add that in? I also liked someone’s idea to add a splash of color with some pretty tropical flowers. Those little details would really make the scene even more perfect 🙂

  18. Brent

    this wallpaper is outstanding just like so many others.. but there are SOOOOO MANY great ones that aren’t tri-monitor! some of the best ones that have been made are only available on single monitors.. please, please, PLEASE, make them tri-monitor as well! …. im dying here. 🙂

    thanks and keep up the GREAT work!


  19. Liz

    Hi Ryan,

    No worries on the waterfall! It is still a beautiful image, and I can easily understand how hard a moving image like that is hard to capture :).

    The composition is lush and beautiful and very well done as well. Don’t shy from waterfalls in the future – you never know what you and us will learn from it =)


  20. Jon

    Nicely done for a first try!

    I would also agree the water looks a bit “frozen” and needs some sort of blur added to it.

    I also think the light rays could be toned down a bit. They’re so prominent that my eyes tend to get distracted by them.

    1. Maybe darken up th tree that’s lurking in from the right…obstructing the light more basically.

    -(From the angle it looks as if there is an opening around the initial pool and the “river” where the view is from is under a tree covering. By darking the tree you could enhance the feeling and “tunnel vision” that you would have IF there was a covering. But I don’t know what you have imagined for the surrounding landscape.)

    2. Add bigger ripples coming out from the impact area of the waterfall.

    3. Add more definition/texture/lighting to the rock in the background and foreground…it’s hard to distinguish what it is at first.

    These are just a few suggestions I thought of, but overall I think you did a Fantastic job on your first waterfall!

    I’ll look forward to any revisions you make.

  21. Chris

    I like the image, and I really like the concept. If I had to critique, I’d agree that the waterfall lacks any real feel, there is no indication of motion and no rippling or waving from the fall in the pool.

    I like the lighting a lot, and I think the coloring – particularly of the plants – is excellent. Very nice work!


  22. Terry

    Some posters here have made reference to how “real” the piece looks, but to me this does not really matter. I really like the aspects of your work which are not so real otherwise what would be the point of creating such work when a camera could do it for you.

    With this image I like the confined space that the piece creates, particularly impressive is the vegetation as it truly looks lush. Before in some pieces it has tended to look a bit “plastic”.

    As a possible future project how about having a piece which is looking down over a waterfall, I think this woul really challenge you and itd be interesting to see how you make rocks looks wet and how the water hits the plunge pool.

    A way to finish this piece would be to put someone swimming in the pool, something like that would give the piece a sense of scale.

    Maybe next winter you could do a version of this frozen?


  23. Markus

    Like in “Pyre” there is so much motion in this picture. Is is possible to get a short animation of this waterfall?

  24. Ben

    I read your post about this work before I looked at the photo. It sounded to me that you were concerned about the quality of this piece. No worries, spectacular. I can agree with you on the challenges of attempting to make a still picture of something that is in as constant motion as a water fall . . . I think you pretty much got it!

    If any thing will convince me to signup for a lifetime membership, it is works like this.

  25. Sean W.

    Very nice! I like the earlier suggestion of a frozen version for winter (good thinking!)

    This is an excellent rendering of a waterfall; good on you for doing this one, Ryan!

  26. celmendo

    all praise

    humble suggestions: I’d like to see the water below in more of a pool area (pulled a little back like the others said) and the stream coming out at you off center more to the left. Just less dead center/straight on to get some depth. Some color in the vegetation or a rainbow effect in the spray

  27. Alucard

    Much props Ryan! That is what I am talking about dog, taking creative risks. You realized that waterfalls were a weak point, but you did it anyway. That is what will elevate your skillz to the next level. Have to agree with all these other peeps about the water effect. It looks like the water is frozen into ice. Also the impact is too much of a cloud effect and not enough splash. I am not sure I would add a rainbow myself, that seems really fruit loopish. Maybe you would then feature Toucan Sam or something. This is most def gonna be a pickejar image though. Just work on that waterfall and if possible pan out a bit to capture more of this incredible rain forest you got goin on. Other than that man you are good to go. Still my fav bro, and as usual I will not forget to request a Conjunction Part 2. Or at the least just do a little remix with it with your new hardware. OMG that would own everything!

  28. Rob

    I Like It

    I am using this one as my desktop wallpaper

  29. Anonymous

    It looks nice as a thumbnail not a wall paper because the water looks too grainy and there is too much going on in this picture. I think I would prefer some simplicity.The “light streaming through” effect in satori is very beautiful but I think it does not fit in here. I am always quite surprised why every image you post has such raving reviews.

  30. Labanimal

    Something i was thinking when i was reading the other posts. What if the light shining down onto the water was causing a mirror like effect shining the light back from the water onto the rocks, almost the same as if you’ve got a light shining around a pool at night and the water reflecting that light onto the walls and surroundings? that would take care of the rock problem looking too dark. Also, doesn’t other plants tend to grow on the rock-face where there is moisture ?

  31. Anne

    The lighting effect is fantastic, and it has a very tropical and dense feeling- awesome!

    However this is not a wallpaper which looks good from afar, only up close. I agree with the post about zooming out a little bit, to see more of the waterfall.

    Thanks for another fantastic piece though!!

    I’d give 9.5 upon 10 if there was such a thing! So 9/10 =)

  32. Cajmoh ( simon )

    Excellent first attempt at a waterfall. First thought the falling water looked a bit glassy, but after reading some other comments, I would have to agree that the problem is not so much the lighting, but the artistic impression. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to animate falling water. Looks great!

    The steam is a good feature. It creates a very tropical mood. Not your best work, but still quite good none the less.

  33. Tim

    I just wanted to write you real quick and tell you that this new posting is wonderful. I don’t see the ‘2D’ effect that the other posts describe, and I think that the steam covers any ripples that might occur. This picture, as most of your others, is fantastic!

  34. Roberto

    You’ve beaten yourself once again Ryan!

    This is my favourite wallpaper, even better than “Before the Storm”, a perfect mid-spring picture.

    Is it possible to try different light effects? The light adds, peraphs, too much noise if I have to find a defect.

    Impressive atmosphere, once again, wonderful!

  35. Jason Bryan

    Hi all!

    I like this image! Thanks for stepping out of the box and creating it, Ryan! I can see how this is difficult to create as a “still” because – by nature – a waterfall is not a still object.

    Have you thought about adding a rainbow cast to this? It might look cool with the light shining through the water…

    Thanks again!


  36. David Rowles

    I think the composition is good and I disagree about the distance. The problem I think is that the droplets in the waterfall are too defined. If you take a picture of a real water fall it’s very hard to get the droplets that sharp in the picture. Usually they blur considerably…perhaps softening the edges around the droplets in the waterfall would solve that issue for me!

    But overall great!

  37. Curtisator

    Looks pretty good to my eye. I’d probably back suggestions by others to have some kinds of motion blur applied to the water particles, and the rainbow was a good idea.

    Perhaps it is possible to add a more defined ripple pattern to the water radiating out from where the waterfall interacts with the pond? I don’t know how feasible that would be in this package, but it might help to make the waterfall look like it’s interacting with the environment a little more.

    Plants look great in this one!

  38. Joel

    This is quite a beautiful scene, Ryan. I love the rays of light shining through. And the plant life is supurb. If I had to make any criticism, it would be that the water doesn’t seem to be disturbed outside of the immediate impact zone. Perhaps some more distinctive ripples that taper off would help. Also it appears that the texture on the tree branch in the very top left (widescreen renders) is stretched or skewed.

    Overall, it’s a great image and a very believable waterfall. (Don’t shy away from them anymore!) I gave it a 9.

  39. Liz

    Hi Ryan,

    another beautiful picture from you :). I love the etherealness of the falls and the light shining through.

    Very serene and quiet. If I ever get tired of looking at Cosmos I will have to change to this 🙂



  40. Liz

    When I was in school I took a photography class where one of the assignments was waterfalls. We were supposed to take a variety of shots with long exposure times, and with very short exposure times. These changes produced photos with very soft, indistinct waterfalls (long exposure) versus crisp, individual droplet waterfalls. Perhaps the next time you go for a waterfall this could help you decide on crisp versus soft 🙂


  41. Qwiz

    I think you should definitely go for the “long exposure look” and blur the waterfall.

  42. Billy

    this one is the most realistic one i ever see on Mr. Ryan works, i already knew when i saw the thumbnail, it is the amazing one. Just one thing that looks weird for me, the water looks too ‘calm’, i mean it should be more somekind of stronger ripple maybe?

  43. Joel

    I think it’s great! I thought the distinctness of the waterfall was strange when I first saw it, but it only took 2 seconds to appreciate its awesomeness.

  44. Konstantin

    Never seen waterfalls in your artwork!

    That’s what i’ve been dreaming about since signed up)

    Thanks a lot, Ryan!

    I love it!!!


  45. Nuilok

    Well for a first waterfall, it’s not bad at all! Like another member said: don’t shy away from waterfalls anymore!!!

    About what could be done to enhance it? There were some talks about the water being too calm around the impact zone of the waterfall, and I’m inclined to agree with them: some bigger ripples around the waterfall would definitely be nice.

    As for the waterfall water: I’d like to see what a blur (like the ones we see in long exposure shots) can do but I’m not so sure. I like the water blur when there is enough lights to make some nice reflections and I do not sense this picture to be bright enough to give such a nice effect. There are the sun rays however… Well, what about giving it a try?

    But all in all? Still a greab job Ryan! Thanks again for my new wallpaper!


  46. Tril

    This is very different from your other work. I like it, except that it has a naggingly two-dimensional feel about it. It’s on my desktop now, and instead of feeling like there’s a real vista receding into the distance, it’s more like someone hung a painting over my monitor 🙂 I think it’s really the background part of the picture that looks 2D, particularly the upper left, where it almost appears that the tree is painted onto the rock. The foreground looks fine. I love the lush ferns and plants, on both sides.

    I gave it a 7, but if you could find a way to give it more depth that could easily go up to 9 or 10.

  47. Steven

    This picture is great, but i agree that it looks too much 2D.

    And i wonder how some colorful (only a few red/orange ones) flowers would look like in this picture that is mostly blueish/green. Just to put some highlights in it.

  48. Vistan

    This is, by far, one of your best works. I have to agree with some of the others about the upper left area, the tree looks somewhat artificial. The water should probably also have some more rippling, or other ‘disturbed’ look further out than just the impact area.

    Thank you SOO much for all the beautiful work you produce, Ryan. 🙂

  49. Overdrive

    Surprised by your choice of subject, I immediately compared ‘Hidden Falls’ with real photo’s of waterfalls.

    First, I don’t agree with some previous commentaries that the water surrounding the impact of the waterfall is too quiet. Especially with little falls like this one it’s amazing how little impact the falling water seems to make on the surface of a real lake.

    Second, the fall in this new artwork is almost too detailed, missing a flowing or stream-effect. Now it looks more like a big shower than a waterfall.

    I really do like the sunbeams through the trees, the very well done contrasts between dark and light, the water and the plants. All very realistic! Further, I don’t notice this 2d effect some people mentioned.

    Another fine piece of art, thanx!

    8* (but subject to raise if waterfall will be adjusted)

  50. Paul

    So, I’m looking at this, and I think, the falls are too shower-like. There is no feeling of movement in the waterfall.

    I’m inclined to agree with some other members, and the lighting is superb, like you are coming into a grotto with a small waterfall in it.

    The more I look at it, the more the fall bugs me as being unrealistic, and that is the only fault I find with this picture. I understand that modeling flowing/falling water is difficult, but I feel that an artist with your talent should be able to pull it off. It is quite possible that you are re-modeling the water as I type this, and that would make it for me.

    Keep up the good work, I still have this as my wallpaper.

  51. Labanimal

    Well Done!!! Not bad at all for your first waterfall peace!. This one is definitely a favorite!. But…

    I must agree with the others, it looks very 2D. It lacks depth. The water falling down does look a little odd!. Also, the trees could stand out a little more.

    What i really REALLY like about this peace, the lush plants, they feel almost alive compared to other work you’ve done where I’ve felt the plants seems dead – a Huge improvement!.

    What i really miss from your work, is that figure standing nearby or swimming just to give it that human presence!

    Really looking forward to a revision of this peace!

    Keep up the good work!.


  52. maestro

    I like the theme of the picture and the picture itself, but a few comments. The photo does have a 2D look not quit enough depth. Also I don’t like the light coming through the tree, it looks too fake for some reason. Overall still good though. . .

  53. Rich

    Though I agree with others that said this picture looks rather 2-D, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It reminds me of some of my favorite ethereal nature paintings. Good work, Ryan, I think it’s the best you have done in awhile.

    The waterfall does look pretty particle-like. Motion blur, maybe?

  54. Ed Miller

    Hey Ryan nice wallpaper, however, may I suggest moving the scene back a little bit to get the full effect of the waterfall. I tried to photograph Narada Falls at Mt. Rainier National Park a few years back, and realized that I was too close to get full effect of that beautiful waterfall. The next photo I took was a few yards back and it came out great. This might also help with the ‘2D’ effect that others have talked about.

  55. Aaron M

    I’ve read the comments, and I don’t think the fall is a problem. To me, this is your artistic interpretation of a waterfall… but, there again, I don’t care about photorealism.

    Anybody can be trained to make something photorealistic; what’s much more special is an artist’s interpretation. To me, this is what your fall is, and I love it.

    I also very much enjoy the steam coming up off the water, and am not at all bothered by the lack of more disturbance on the water. I think any more would be overdone. Finally, the little bits of land in the bottom of the frame – especially so on the right side – become silhouettes, which is really quite wonderful against the 3D quality of the fall.

    For whatever it’s worth, I’m not in love with the top left corner of the frame. The top of the tree just begins to distinguish itself from the rock, but not enough. Also, I wonder if the foliage wouldn’t look nicer against a slightly lighter rock color. Though I understand the dark rock is causing the light fall to pop… I think this wouldn’t be lost if you lightened up the rock a bit. Overall the image is oddly dark, and I think the problem is not the lighting, it’s the rock color.

    Lovely, Ryan. It’s really wonderful!


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