Green and Gold


SKU: greenandgold1 Category: Tags: , ,


This was my first attempt to craft more detailed Vue d’Esprit trees by building the branches themselves out of individual Vue tree models. I edited them in the Solid Growth editor to get them to bend the right way and then I places them around a central trunk.

The effect was pretty convincing, except in this case I didn’t set up the “branches” so they all intersected the trunk. This precluded a winter version of this scene because the disconnects would be visible. Perhaps I will come back to it and try to work something out. I have an autumn version here and would love to try a winter scene someday.

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155 reviews for Green and Gold

  1. David Mattox [liferplus]

    By far my favorite ever made. It’s strange how something like this can bring peace on the day to day grind. I change my wallpapers periodically…but I always come back to this image.

  2. T3chn0g33k

    This should go into the Winter Gallery as a separate entry. It would perfect for it.

  3. Momcat

    The tree is amazing; the detail work is really beautiful and the clouds, especially up in the two corners, is equally gorgeous. The snow on the ground needs some help and the falling snow needs even more.

    I agree with @Scott; if you’re able to finish it to your satisfaction, we will be at least as satisfied. 🙂

  4. Terry

    Really like it Ryan I hope you can work on it some more i nthe future 🙂

  5. Kelton

    put this up for mobile devices? (like my droid razr maxx..)

  6. Momcat

    This is gorgeous, Ryan. The tree, especially, strikes quite a chord in me. Thank you, once again.

  7. Scott

    I think the winter one looks quite nice as is, but I hope you are able to polish it up the way you want it!

  8. adam

    I hope you are able to resolve the issue. This fully rendered will be amazing!!!

  9. brad

    I REALLY hope they are able to get your file open. I’m really excited to see you working on winter themed art again. 🙂

  10. Geep

    Even rough, the scene is beautiful.

  11. SimonRev

    I remember you posting a few years ago that there would never be a winter version of Green and Gold because you had used some tricks to create the geometry for the tree in such a way that the branches didn’t actually connect with the trunk.

    I am excited that you have been able to produce this and really hope you are able to complete the work.

    I was wondering if there is any way on the site to easily find related images (seasonal variations, day/night variations, etc)?

  12. Ross H.

    Despite it not being “perfect,” I really like this one!

  13. Dale

    Green & Gold has been a favorite of mine for a long time, and I’m glad you’ve finally made a winter version. Even if you don’t think it’s perfect (and what art ever really is?) I think it’s beautiful. I hope you have the heart to revisit it if you can’t get your original file back.

  14. Amaryllis

    Whether or not you can work on this image some more, I feel lucky to now have this in my collection. It’s haunting.

  15. Maggie

    This reminds me of wintertime in rural Wisconsin. The filtered, washed out light reminds me of an impending snow storm. I can almost feel the bite of the frigid temps and the sting of the wind…

  16. Ryan

    Due to an exclusivity arrangement with Art in Design I have been unable to offer my cards directly to the public…until now.

  17. Max

    You can order online from your card company posted earlier, but you will be paying a premium for the cards. .

    Minimum order of 100 will run $250.00 for printing plus an additional $125.00 for shipping, handling, etc. back here to the states.

  18. Bulldoggie

    Love the snow in the background, makes it look like an impending blizzard. Can’t wait to see the final product!!

  19. Littlemom

    Love what I see so far can’t wait to see the finished product

  20. hurtzDonut

    Looks like an “Evil Tree”!

  21. Paul

    This darker really resonates; the other one, not so much.

  22. Ryan

    Agreed on the snow. I wish I could open my scene file!!

  23. Kelton

    it looks like snowballs as opposed to snow flakes. the tree is gorgeous the perspective looks different than the others in the series.

  24. Erik

    The seasonal ones are probably my favorites of your series; living in California but going to school in Ohio seasons are suddenly something I have to deal with. I love having your images of extreme seasons on my desktop: harsh, uncaring Winter; newborn, hopeful Spring; rich, joyous Summer; and comfortable, saturated Autumn. Can’t WAIT for a Winter ed. of this one.

  25. Jen

    Now that the software has corrected the cloud issue for dual screens any chance we can get an updated render of this one?

  26. Bastian

    The Triscreen picture is the best! It’s so beatutiful – the lone tree on the plane, surrounded by the clouds. A higher camera view would be nice. It’s one of my favorite! A 16:9 single screen version with this tree in the distance would also be nice.

  27. Abron

    This is one of my favourites, what about an animation with this? I would like to see the field moved gently by the wind.

  28. Genj

    Otherwise, love it!

  29. Marvin

    Beautiful, I love the way the sunlight puts a “glow” on the leaves, the details of the tree in general, the open field and then the contrast with the dark sky! Rated it a 9.

  30. Courtland

    So if the image being so big is what’s causing the clouds to look messed up in dual/triple screen versions, how about rendering each half of the image separately? After that, they can be easily combined back into one picture using Photoshop.

    Anyway, weird clouds or not, this is one of my favs and will definitely grace my desktop for many weeks.

  31. Evan

    This scene has a very realistic and warm feeling to it, fantastic!

  32. Sunnybac

    This image alone made me buy a membership. Keep up the awesome work Ryan!

  33. Tim


    Really like this one, but it is too dark! It is like a photo that is underexposed. This may look good on a desktop monitor, but is too dark on a laptop screen. Can you make it look like it would if you were actually standing there?

    Otherwise, the tree looks fantastic, so does the whole picture, just make it brighter.

  34. Michael

    I rarely comment on your work. However, these last two, Green and Gold and Lord of the Forest, they stir my imagination after viewing them for only a few seconds.

    More works of this type would be greatly appreciated! Excellent work!

  35. Kyle

    I see what you mean about the clouds, Ryan. On my office computer when I do the dual-screen it makes them look like the cream part on the top of banana pudding.

  36. David W

    this is a beautiful wallpaper. one of my favorites by far. Id have to say this wallpaper is close to perfect. good job! keep it up! it makes me so antsy waiting for your next work of beauty!

  37. Hawk

    Dumb question: Why not create the tri-screen render first, and then crop it down for the other two versions (dual-screen and single screen)?

    Aspect ratio?

  38. Eric

    That’s it, now you’ve done it, I knew it would come to this eventually. I’m going to have to buy a triple monitor setup. ;-0 Ryan, you’ve truly out done yourself this time. I called out Bravo on the single, but man on the triple, B R A V I S S I M O !

    Many call themselves digital artists, But Ryan – you are THE MASTER!



  39. Sheldon

    Ryan, first of all let me say, “Great image.” Green and Gold really fits well with this time of year in the midwest. And I really like your landscapes. Snowy Creek and the “Wood Series” (Sping-, Summer-, Autumn-, and Winterwood) have been some of my favorites.

    Secondly, about the “cloud bug” that you mention: it seems that you create the image on a relatively small canvas size (if that’s the right term) and then use the software to “stretch” the image to fit a larger canvas (or screen) size. I know very little about rendering images, but it seems that this “stretching” is what produces the result you are not happy about.

    My question is this: Why can’t (or don’t) you create the original image on a larger “canvas size” with the plan of later trimming the smaller “canvas size” out of the larger finished product? It seems this would eliminate the “stretching” problem. Is this technique too time consuming or bothersome?

    Keep up the great work!

  40. Adam

    This is definitely in my top ten. I really like the dark sky looming in the background. The grass blowing, awaiting the coming storm… beautiful. A lot of possibilities here. Great image, kudos!

  41. JoAnn

    Wow! One of your best yet! Thank you for sharing your exceptional talent!

  42. backfist

    I’ve been a fan for about a year and a half, and a member for just a couple of months. I love your stuff! I love this new one in particular. I am a HUGE fan of trees, think they are a remarkable life form. Your rendering of this solitary guy is wonderful. Love the light shining on the top right.

  43. guate6

    I love it! The lighting, the detail, the realism. Everything from textures, shapes, irregularity, and simplicity makes this one of my favorite. It looks so real! Excellent job Ryan, keep ’em comin’ !

  44. James

    I’ve been visiting my parents and this wallpaper came out while I’ve been here. I set it as my laptop background and asked my mom if she thought it was real or fake. She said it was real which is what I expected.

    I can’t wait to see how the dual monitor version looks and home!

  45. Mike

    What I liked about this piece was how it made me feel a storm was just around the corner. After a couple of days I had to put Rite of Spring on my other monitor just so I could stop anticipating a storm every time I got to work.

  46. Scott

    Howdy Ryan,

    I would love to see this on the wall in my home, when you find the time, doing a render for Zazzle would be wonderful, thanks.

  47. Ryan

    I actually added it a couple of days ago. Here’s a link:

  48. Gilboron

    The triple screen version has to be one of your best tri-screen wallpapers to date. The clouds look wonderful, and the tree doesn’t feel as crammed as it used to too… I won’t regret my lifetime membership.

    Though I have noticed a problem with the links in the beginning of your newspost- to be specific, the link to the dual screen version.

  49. Phillip D

    Yeah, I remember you mentioned the comment on the clouds on Vue’s part….one of the ways to solve that , that is, if the bug is not fix soon, is to take photo shots of sky and use your photos as background alpha planes in Vue (adjust lighting in Vue’s plane if needed), just have to take them the right time of the day for the correct lighting of the sky matches the light direction on the scene. (crop the sides out first for standard size wallpapers, then use the sides for duals, etc)…..

    How’s that?

  50. Braden

    I’m seeing some horizontal/angled dithering lines in the dual WUXGA version and I don’t think it’s my displays (Thinkpad W500 internal LCD and a Lenovo L220x 22″). I’m not sure if this is intentional or not…

  51. Mike

    Wow! Your artwork keeps getting more and more realistic. This looks almost like a photograph! The clouds look amazing and I like the little flowers in the grass at the bottom. It would have been a nice extra touch to have a butterfly among the flowers though.

    I would like the link the Christmas card company if you wish to post it 🙂

  52. Ryan

    My images are offered by a company called “Art in Design” based out of the UK. I signed an exclusive agreement with them this year so they will be the only providers of DB based Christmas cards for the next few years at least. They can be found at, but it doesn’t appear that they offer online ordering at this time.

  53. Hunter

    I absolutely love this wallpaper, it will likely stay as my wallpaper for a while (atleast until your next masterpiece).

    one suggestion: more of the trunk should be visible. Either wider, to make up for the massive size of the tree, or the leaves should start higher up the tree (a little before 1/4 of the way up or something).

    Just an idea!

  54. Ryan

    The trunk is there, but the tree is in a dip in the terrain so you only see the top. I don’t think I want to change this one but maybe next time.

  55. SCM

    I know that it is alot of work, but do you plan to re-render any of the images are are affected by the “cloud” bug. I use dual 27″ wide screen monitors, even with the “funny” clouds, this is still an outstanding image. Great work.

  56. Mark

    Wow! I’d buy a tri screen setup just to use it!

  57. Tril

    I thought I should chime in (once more) to say that I love the tree the way it is, without much in the way of visible trunk. The picture has a mystical rather than ultra-realistic quality and I think it works.

    I’ve quite fallen in love with this picture; in fact, it has singlehandedly convinced me that I will be renewing my membership even though I haven’t been as enthusiastic about some of the recent offerings. I scored it a nine only because it feels cramped at the top. Otherwise it would be a ten.

  58. Kriz

    Every time I look at this i drift away from things… simply amazing. You’ve done great!

  59. SCM

    For me it is the small blue flowers that really make this piece wonderful. Outstanding work as usual, cannot wait for the multi-screen version. Again, simply outstanding.

  60. cmmnoble

    This picture is wonderful. Like others have said–it’s very peaceful. Love the colors and the composition. I find my eyes drawn off into the distance. It reminds me of northwest Kansas: wheat as far as the eye can see and a big open horizon. (To the person who commented about other trees, I see at least one, off to the left-ish.) I’m adding my vote for an autumn colors version. Also, I’m adding two votes (voting with both hands) for a stormy version–like a mix between this one and “Rite of Spring”. After all, big open plains and big honking thunderstorms go hand in hand. 🙂

    “Rite of Spring” is one of my all time favorites. I originally joined so I could get it. Any chance of a widescreen high-res version of it someday?

  61. Scott

    Please make the dual/tri screen versions of this one if you can. Thanks.

  62. Ryan

    Multiscreens are on the way!

  63. Scott

    My first impression of this work was mixed; however, it has become my singular favorite piece in your repertoire. I have to say I walked in today; saw this on my desktop and was struck by the overwhelming effect that a storm was coming. The darker than normal sky; the line of thick clouds; and the tree itself, full of that deep rich green of a plant anticipating rain, all combine beautifully to awaken that primitive instinct of imminent showers. In an awesome manner, it actually called up in me the sense of smell of a storm nearing. Bravo! The scene is poignant with energy because it exists at a serene state, but contains the anticipation of excitement of the coming tempest. Like standing on an edge of a cliff: the current state is stable, but so near chaos. I heartily applaud this piece – if you had produced no other art, for this alone, you would great.

  64. Ryan

    This is easily one of my favorite pieces you’ve ever done. With the season moving to fall, I was wondering if you had any intent to create a “fall version” of this piece. I believe the bright colors of fall would set this piece on “fire” in a beautiful way I’m sure only you can portray. Great work.

  65. Matt

    …the most realistic flora to date, hands down. This will stay on my desktop for a while. Keep up the outstanding work, Ryan!

  66. Phantom

    The additional tree in the bottom left of the screen caught my eye only just today. I love how you add details that are designed to be barely seen and looked for by the viewer!

  67. Nick

    Dual screen plz 🙂

  68. Kody

    ryan you pull it off again with one of my favorite type of picture. the totall scenery of this is astounding with the way you use the storm in the background as a way to set the mood. this has got to be one of the things that makes this whole hurricane ike thing down here in houston a little bit more relaxed cause i can just escape into the picture. btw this picture could use a little more to the distant right side, maybe a smaller tree, and would mind doin a tribute or something to all us hurricane victims here in the south?

    and keep up the good work!

  69. Leanna

    I want to go sit under this tree for hours. This is my first comment on a piece and I am really impressed with how real it looks! You do an awesome job! Thanks for keeping me coming back for more.

  70. spammeiste

    Just went through your dualies and I must say that the after switch to the new software (Vue d’Esprit 6 Infinite) basically gets rid of all the “graininess” that is present in your previous, although superior to anything else out there, renders.

    If possible I would (and am sure everyone else) definitely appreciate previous reditions rendered using this new software.

  71. Melissa

    Love this one!!

    Simple yet Stunning!!!

    Great Job Ryan!!

  72. Patrick

    I gave this image the score of 10. It’s perfect!

  73. Daniel

    Wow I just bought my 5 all time favorite wallpapers of yours in the Gloss 34 x 22″ posters from Zazzle, they arrived yesterday and I’m having them framed, I must say they look fantastic! But oh no, Now there’s another one I have to add to my Digital Blasphemy Artwork collection! (ohhh sigh… the framing costs!)

  74. cecileva

    Very eloquent, I know, but I really love it when Ryan makes images like this one. There’s “Morning Mist” in 2006 that was photo-realistic like “Green and Gold”; with “Simple Pleasures” they’re amongst my very favorite.

    Awesome job, Ryan.

  75. docpixl

    On the plains of Kansas, (my thought), a tree, lush, green, thick and strong. From my perspective, it is also somewhat ominous, as if it is getting ready to move on. Ryan, only you could do that. Give it that look of almost being dangerous.

    Ah, but that is my mind looking and reading into it. Aren’t people weird? We look at something that you had no intention of and put weight where none was intended.

    I think this illustration is fantastic.

    Thank you for sharing your wondrous and imaginative mind with everyone else.

  76. SalannB

    Oh gosh, this is just great!

    I already have it as my wallpaper. Truly stunning!

    I do agree…I’d like to see a “stormy” version of this.

  77. Russ

    Absolutely beautiful! This is why I love this sight.

  78. Russ

    Also, I forgot to add:

    A fall version with the field completely gold in color and the tree well in to a rew-yellow change!

  79. Sean W

    Absolutely gorgeous. 🙂 This is a visually soothing and satisfying piece. I won’t use it as a background, since I work at a place that’s all hills and trees, but it is a great addition. Well done Ryan!

  80. Ali M K

    Nice work, Ryan. We know that those “cigarette-smoke” clouds are not your fault. Colors and composition deserve an A.

  81. Gin

    This year’s best so far… sublime.

  82. Howler8

    I gave this image a 7. For some reason, it just doesn’t ‘speak’ to me the way most of your pictures do. I think it has to do with the tree. I’d like it a lot more if there was more sunlight and all of the tree was lit up, maybe from the back. And another commentators right; a 1? Are you kidding me? This 7 is the lowest I’ve ever rated something.

  83. Max

    Beautiful! Gorgeous. You’ve really out done yourself this time. I’m not even sure I can tell that it’s not real.

  84. Maryann

    Hi Ryan:

    It’s beautiful, as usual; however, I’d love to see some trunk/bark as a visual break between the wheat/grain and the tree itself. The lack of a “break” makes the tree seem very heavy to me. It’s like the tree is sitting, almost, on the grain field. It “feels” weighty and uncomfortable, if that makes any sense.



  85. Maryann

    Hi Ryan:

    It’s beautiful, as usual; however, I’d love to see some trunk/bark as a visual break between the wheat/grain and the tree itself. The lack of a “break” makes the tree seem very heavy to me. It’s like the tree is sitting, almost, on the grain field. It “feels” weighty and uncomfortable, if that makes any sense.



  86. Mengistuh

    I don’t comment very often, but this picture really makes me feel at peace. On a day that I have utter chaos, it would be nice to come here and feel a gently breeze and lay in the shade underneath this tree and take a long pause and think about what really mattered to me in this life. It would allow me to take a deep breath and be grateful.

    Nice work, Ryan. I gave it a ten. I know that’s not what everyone gave it, but it’s how the picture made me feel, more than anything–not what minor details I saw in the picture.

    Very Cool.

  87. Morgan

    Very good. However, Vue clouds still seems to lack alot of detail am I right?

  88. Walo

    wow its incredible the quality of the vue trees now. This image is awesome for its beauty and simplicity, the oddest of combinations but it just works way too good in this image.

  89. Roberto

    Once again Ryan,

    according to me, that’s your best picture. It’s simple and the tree is majestic! I really love it, my actual wallpaper.

  90. Hunter

    Absolutely amazing, THIS is why I became a member.

    But don’t trees usually have tree trunks?

  91. Macmage

    This is a beautiful picture. Thanks

    I want to know why when I look at the voting is there always someone who marks your pictures as a “1” On a scale of 1 to 10 I have never seen anything below a 4 and that was only your early years. In the last 8 years your work has been stunning – all 7 and above. Mostly 8’s 9’s and 10’s in my book

    Thanks for another wonderful picture.

  92. David w

    I love the new wallpaper!!! I bet that tree feels lonly, especially considering the size of it. haha

  93. Woody

    Love the detail on the field with the shadows from surrounding clouds, etc. I have to agree, the tree does seem a little large (and might need a trunk). Otherwise, It’ll look great on my desktop.

  94. Terry

    Can you do a night version with a big moon behind the tree lighting the leaves up?

  95. Getwired

    I love it, Ryan. Simple, serene, sublime. 😉

  96. Eric


    With so many positive comments what can I add that would extend the feedback? So …

    B R A V O !

    PS. I agree with Terry (night and Moon).

    Cheers and Happy B-day!

  97. Tuishimi

    This is a very nice render. Simple in composition (altho’ some sweat no doubt went in to the detail) and just lovely to look at.

  98. Will Marsh

    this is great! i love simple but visually stunning works like this! you have out-done yourself again!. i wish there were some other things that caught my attention in the back ground though, like a moon or something.

  99. Detail

    That has to be one of the most detailed digital trees I’ve seen yet! Incredible. It’s amazing how far and fast this technology advances. I can’t wait for the dual screen so I use it as my backdrop.

  100. Kristin

    I love any of the tree ones, having grown up in the woods. I love this one, and think any variations you want to do on it would be worthwhile. Awesome!

  101. AW

    Ryan, your software experimentation pays off for me – that is one awesome tree! Please feel free to experiment some more to come up with other stunning flora for your artwork.


  102. rob

    I love it but I think it really needs more visible trunk at the bottom – otherwise it looks more like a cloud of leaves kind of sitting there.

  103. Greg in KC


    This is absolutely amazing work, just like everybody is saying. I’m so glad I renewed for another year… and to those of you thinking of renewing/signing up, you won’t be sorry!

    Can’t wait for the multi-screen version! Keep up the great work, buddy!

    Greg in KC

  104. mischief

    I take back my ealier comment about the dual screen. I’m using the 1280 x 1024 on my side-by-side LCD’s and they actually merge togather seamlessly. Don’t know if that was intentinal but it looks great!

  105. toxbitch

    Trees like this are getting harder and harder to find, natural or digital!

  106. Timothy

    This one is brilliant:)

    So simple and it is already one of the all time top ten.

    I agree also I think that there needs to be a trunk otherwise it looks strange.

    Perhaps a tad brighter on the side facing us because I cannot see much depth inside the tree which would be better.

    I recall trying to create a similar image like this just focusing on a tree a few months ago but its not as spectacular as yours…:P

  107. odessa

    This is just stunning. I absolutely love all of your work, but this has got to be in my top three, if not my #1. Gorgeous!

  108. Mello

    Wow, this is just phenomenal!! The fields look so real, and the tree is huge! I love the way the sun hits the top of the tree and the placement makes the tree look so big, and I like that! I like the faint sight of the trunk.

  109. Overdrive

    Definitely one of your best works ever! Absolutely beautiful!


  110. cajagger

    I can’t stop looking at this picture and admiring it’s complexity and serene beauty! Keep up the phenomenal work Ryan! You’re definitely making your members proud, especially the botanists and horticulturists…

  111. Tril

    See subject 🙂 The lighting is lovely on this one.

    My only complaint is that I would like to see a little more sky above the top of the tree. The composition as it is feels cramped.

  112. wnmnkh

    I think it would be awesome if the background is darker with some dark cloud 😉


  113. Edwin

    I have to say I like your nature scenes the best. This one is now my favourite of all your work. One of my favorites is Indian Summer from last year.

    I think a seasonal series of Green and Gold would be cool: fall, winter, and spring to complete the set.

  114. PHiL

    Lighting in this one is superb. Plants(trees) look more realistic than others, especially given how much of the picture is devoted to them. Great job. One of my favorites!

  115. Jeff

    that there are actually 3 trees is the picture. At least thats what I saw.

  116. Pat

    Your vegetation wallpapers are getting scarily realistic. This one might be my favorite of all time.

    I have to agree with the others, this tree would look absolutely stunning blowing around in a storm’s gusts. It would be treading new ground on multiple fronts, as I have seen few of your wallpapers implement either rain or wind.

    Quality/output is better than ever. Great job on this one.

  117. brettzki

    omg, did you go to south Dakota and took this? the hd version looks so real i swear i have seen this tree before. and i think rain is on the way

  118. Eric

    Wow…. WOW. Best tree I’ve seen you do. The grass is amazing as well, especially the seed tops in the foreground. Outstanding work!

  119. Lee

    I know ratings are subjective, but if this wallpaper is a 1 on a scale of 1-10, I wonder why you would subscribe to this site.

  120. JohnnyBoy!

    This image is great! Is there any way to add the resolution 1024×600 for my Eee PC (and other UMPC’s)?

    Otherwise the grass doesn’t show up on my screen.

  121. Patrick

    Reminds me of a great oak in the field near my grandparents in Texas. Looks Great!

  122. G

    Simple and effective, I like.

    “You may notice that I have added my “Recent Blog Posts” in a column to the left.”

    It’s on the right, not the left 😉

  123. Ryan

    Right you are!

  124. Greg

    I really like this one, but I think it would work a little better if you could see more of the trunk.

  125. Jenanne

    I love this one — really beautiful work. An absolute 10!

  126. Michael

    That new software is GREAT. This is probably the best looking plant life you have created to date. I’m looking forward to the triple-screen version…

    Actually, on that note – and I don’t know how many others share my need… I use the triple screen versions because they fit best, but I actually have two 30″ displays, each 2560 x 1600, so if you could start doing 5120×1600 resolution images, they would fit my screen PERFECTLY. (As it is, I stretch the images, and they often look skewed.)

  127. Chris

    I was short of breath when I saw this one…..The shadows, the sky. It’s breath taking. Probably one of my favorites this year. I LOVE this one.

  128. Nero

    This is my favorite DB wallpaper out of them all. I love wallpapers with grass in them. Excellent job!!

  129. Kyle C

    just how do you keep doing these? They are phenomenal! I like it, a lot. 🙂

  130. Michael M.

    I was breathtaken when I saw this, thank you so much for the great masterpeices.

  131. Ian

    Simply incredible, Ryan! Amazing!

    One thought – for those of us who love stormy weather (I remember emailing you long ago about doing a picture with rain in it), would it be possible to add some storm clouds in this or a future picture to give it a different level of depth?

    I can just picture standing out on the plains on a windy day just before a summer thunderstorm looking at this incredible tree…wow! 🙂

  132. Arthur

    Great job Ryan!

  133. Derek

    This has to be one of my favorites in recent months!

    You’ve done an awesome job of “transporting” me to this place of imagination and beauty.


    Derek Strickland

  134. mischief

    Can’t wait for the dual screen!

  135. sakman74


  136. Marc Kuhl

    This is incredible! You always make renewing membership worthwhile. Hey Ryan, do you think you could add Gazebo, Gazebo2k31280, Conjunction, and Conjunction2k31280 to your list of posters and mousepads?

  137. Rargo

    Very nice, reminds me of the big tree near the end of the movie Shawshank Redemption where he finds the note buried underneath it.

  138. Blaine

    Definitely one of my favorites

  139. Blaine

    would be awesome

  140. markus

    this picture even works in thumbnail size! impressive work.

  141. Lee

    Truly beautiful, but one tiny complaint. The photography rule of thirds. On the wide screen version I think it would be even better with more space on the left.

  142. Mag

    this is a nice image, i think i would prefer it if the bottom leaves were cut off a bit and you could see a little more of the tree bark so that when u look at it from a distance it doesnt look like a floating ball of leaves

  143. Deanna

    …a giant tree! Wow, this IS breathtaking. I love it!

    I happen to like that it is a bit off center on the screen, too. It is a perfect fit for my icons to the left.

    This one’s going to be growing roots on my desktop for a while! (ha!)

    Thanks, Ryan!

  144. Nate F

    Wowsers, so simple and open; yet at the same time there is a very definitive focus;

    Kinda reminds me of the Windows XP “bliss” background; except this is like a superupgraded version

  145. Gabe

    Fantastic! Somewhere from a dream almost! The clouds and distance drop off beautifully, while the tree with a “touch” of sun was well done with both structure, lighting and left enough detail to have the viewer’s imagination stirred. The fields are spectacular, and if they were more gold it would remind me of my spring visit to the countrysides of Germany.

    Two first-rate fantastic images in a row… make it a hat trick and I’ll buy a lifetime membership! 😉


    – Gabe

  146. chiops

    Man, wish I could have climbed THIS tree during my childhood. I actually reminds a little of the huge mango tree I DID climb.

    Oh how the memories flood back to a more innocent time on the rubber plantation in the Papua New Guinea jungle.

    Thank you, Ryan.

  147. Scott

    Simply amazing work here, i love the image overall, it reminds me a lot of where i live up towards the Adirondacks in upstate NY, the tree is just perfect and looks very old :D.

    A definitive 12 on a scale of 10 from me.

  148. David

    I’ve never left a message, although I really enjoy the pictures. This has to be my new favorite. Awesome job!

  149. Chris

    Absolutely one of the best images you’ve come out with, Ryan. AWESOME JOB!

  150. Joss

    Hey Ryan,

    This is amazing…it almost doesn’t look like your’s!

    (Not saying others are amazing) But…you get my drift.

    I’d love this in my back yard. It looks amazing!

    Good job, and I look forward to seeing more like this in the future.

  151. Mercury

    Wow, I think this is my favorite image of all so far. . . 10/10.

  152. Ben

    You’d be hard pressed to say this wasn’t a photograph. Outstanding work as usual, Ryan. My new wallpaper. 🙂

  153. Travis


    The depth, the shading, the sense of a nice summer day out on the pasture…my goodness. where’s my picnic basket?

    keep it up!

  154. Brandon

    Ok. i have to say that is the MOST realistic image i have seen on your site in the past 2 years, i actually gave it a 10/10, its just amazing!! GREAT job and also..



  155. Rochelle S

    lots of great ones, but this is still my favorite since the first time I saw it.

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