

SKU: frio Category: Tags: ,


Frio–Created using Bryce3D and Poser 3. The concept for this one came from Jordan Strom, who wrote me a while back asking: “You have the Creation image as fire, can you also do one for ice?“. I never “take requests”, but the idea sounded interesting.

Here it is, Jordan, hope you like it.

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14 reviews for Frio

  1. Dean L Harris [lifer]

    THIS was the one image that made me start checking out your work. A buddy of mine had it as his wallpaper and it just sort of mushroomed from there.

    I have been a proud subscriber for about 10-11 years now and even gave a subscription as a gift to a couple I knew back in the day. Keep up the awesome work, Ryan.

  2. Jim [lifer]

    This image is the one that led me to find your site many many years ago. Lifetime member now…would love to see a remake now with the newer software you run. Keep up the great work.

  3. Mike

    This picture is what got me started on your site so many years ago. As a lifetime member I must say it has been a pleasure to watch your work progress over the years. It is great to be able to go back and get these gems from the past. This one, is one of my all time favorites.

  4. Googlingoo

    You are creative upside down inside out and twisted backwards. This is mythological and I hope you always continue to draw what you think

  5. tip

    The best, enough said.

  6. Frio

    i rated this a 1

    i don’t see why people like this, the poser images are the worst from digital blasphemy, the best are the planetscapes and day/night scenes, don’t put anymore poser’s in images they just mess them it up

  7. T

    This is my all time #1 favorite and the reason I’ve been a member for years. I really think you should do some new posers or even a updated version of this. Maybe a new rendering in the desert blowing sand, call it Sandman !!!!!

  8. Danny

    Well said VisualdreamZ.

    I will join the request for more posers.

  9. marco

    This is to me the most amazing wallpaper of DB.

    I was always fascinated by this design.

    I wish Rayan would make more wallpapers like this in the future.

  10. VisualdreamZ

    I have to admit, I’ve neer been a huge fan of the old poser works, even back when they weren’t so old. The CONCEPT of the piece is wonderful, and the breath is exceptional, especially for the level of CPU power and software ability when Ryan made this picture. But it has that inherent “CG” feel to it.

    I suspect a large part of the low ratings of some of Ryan’s older works, especially the poser works, is because they are being seen side-by-side with newer, much more sophisticated “poser” works. There are a number of human figure CG works I see today that I would not be able to tell are CG if I didn’t know for a fact how they’d been generated. Anyone familiar with Vue need only think of Fabrice Delage to know what I’m talking about.

    While an image like this I think will never be mistaken for a real person/entity, the leaps made in CPU and software capabilities have made images of this era distinctly “CG”. And for some people, that will be less attractive. Others, of course, will love it. It’s all a matter of personal taste and what “calls” to the individual. The same is true of all art, no matter how it’s made =)

    I had thought about leaving a comment about this and a couple of similar images, and so I guess now I am. I personally would LOVE to see how these old poser works would look with modern processing. For me, one of the most awe-inspiring aspects of 3D artwork is the ability to make something that doesn’t exist look like it does.

  11. Bryce

    I haven’t seen this image in a very long time, but it is very cool. Looking at it, i think that if i had a desktop at one of those resolutions (all mine are widescreen) i would use this.

  12. Anne

    I’m surprised I missed this one when I went through all the wallpapers. It’s stunning! I’m glad you have the ‘latest comments’ feature now or I would have never seen this. I usually prefer your terrestrial/planetscape wallpapers compared to your abstracts and interiors, but this one’s going on my desktop.

  13. Danny

    I do not understand why this wallpaper gets a low rating.

    This is probably the most famous DB wallpaper of all times. Around the time it was new, a smaller version of this wallpaper was circulated around by chain emails – this is how amazing it was at its time, and in my opinion – still is.

    In fact, I spent some time going over the ratings of the pre-2000 poser images, some of which are dark, with sorcerers and skeletons, and I was VERY surprised to see that they get low ratings.

    The posers, and particularly the dark gothic ones, are the reason I subscribed to this unbelievable museum of modern art.

  14. Jamie N.

    I would never have thought of this in a million years!

    Some people I know think it’s freaky. But to me it’s so intriguing, so far-out and SO cool! The rendering of his freezing breath is just brilliant!

    This is the first image I ever saw from DB, and I’ve been a fully paid-up member ever since.

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