
(3 customer reviews)


SKU: flagella2 Category: Tags: , , , ,


A more muted version of my “Flagella” render.

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Dual Screen Resolution *
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Multi-Screen Renders


Flagella Dual


Flagella Triple


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3 reviews for Flagella

  1. Jeffrey Thayer

    Love the black and blue

  2. Richard Birnage
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Nice, but I prefer the original – I think because it’s more colourful

  3. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    I really tried to like this, I really wanted to like it, but even after looking at the ones in the pickle jar it just doesn’t do anything for me. I normally really love your work, I guess there was bound to be a time when there would be one that I wouldn’t like. All that being said I look forward to your next render Ryan.

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