The Fire Within


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I guess I wasn’t quite done with my cave itch when I posted “Bones of the Earth“. I had the idea here to create a scene lit from below by lava. The snow came relatively near the end but I think it makes a nice contrast. What do you think?

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46 reviews for The Fire Within

  1. Cat Scratch [nonmonthly]

    The single screen files have icicles hanging from the ceiling opening while the multiscreen files only have snow. By design or nature?

  2. Chris [liferplus]

    I love this render. I love the contrast of colors, I love how those colors show a clear contrast of temperatures, I love how the two meet in a cloud of rising steam.

    I also love how the scene is a contrast between a world of physics and a world of fantasy. It seems impossible, and yet it’s compelling enough to want to believe I could gaze upon such a scene.

    The one flaw that keeps me from getting a print is the yellow and black reflection / lava pools at the bottom, center right. They aren’t in the same color palette, to me they stand out as “unnatural,” if such a word could apply. I tried trimming them out on Zazzle, but the work lost a lot of its foundation when I did that. Any chance you’ll revisit and see how it looks without at least the larger of the patches?

  3. Holly [basicmember]


  4. Josh [nonmonthly]

    I like this picture. Even though it doesn’t top my wallpaper, this will always be my favorite picture. I look forward to check out your future pictures!

  5. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    Its very interisting to see the change of colour and temperature. An amazing wallpaper.

  6. Mangoman [liferplus]

    Or as Tommy Chong once said, “Like Wow, Man…” This one is a ten all the way. Again, I so envy your talents, and am so thankful to have found your site to be able to support you. I’ll not say “Keep up the good work” – that’d be stupid…you always do. Carry on, my friend. You’re the best! Mm232.

  7. nissim [liferplus]

    as a variation perhaps?

  8. Ryan [basicmember]

    I love this render, I wouldn’t change a thing (regarding comments for redder lava/more steam, I love the way it looks as it), except… there’s a small patch of what I think is lava towards the bottom of the image just to the right of center on top of a rock, the colors/borders of it just don’t quite seem right. It has much sharper borders, none of the red “aura” of the rest of the lava, and it just really sticks out to me. Just my 2 cents, but I love this image except for that small patch of lava seems out of place.

  9. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I like the contrast between the gold of the lava and the cold looking blue

  10. Ryan

    A little artistic license 😉

  11. Xetal [liferplus]

    Surely not that close to lava, but the visual effect is stunning!

  12. Ryan

    I’ve added a new render this afternoon with more ice and redder lava. I will be rendering a new multiscreen version soon, but for now I’ve kept the original multiscreen links. Let me know what you think!

  13. Ryan

    Coming soon!

  14. Ozaawaagosh [nonmonthly]

    Love This, Inspires the imagination, it could be here on our world, or a distant planet, the imagination is endless, Awesome job Ryan

  15. knights-inarms [lifer]

    Very good original conceptional artwork; awe inspiring. Please keep up the fantastic efforts, this is the payoff; and it’s a big one.

  16. Xetal [liferplus]

    …lava usually looks redder, and that snow would make a bit more steam. Definitely scope for a few versions of this one…

  17. Chris [lifer]

    Will the multiscreen versions be coming as well?

  18. Glenn Sugden [lifer]

    I really like the composition of this one (and the idea for lighting it with a material from below), but the color pallet seems really muted .. that may have been the look you were going for, but it stands in pretty stark contrast (no pun intended 🙂 to your earlier work. I’d love to see an “intense” version (e.g. super-fiery lava) Just $0.02

  19. Omar Calderon [basicmember]

    I do love this one the lave looks great i do hope to see more planetscapes in the future

  20. CE [basicmember]

    I love the contrast (though it seems like the lava should be a bit redder?) and the smooth arching rocks make it very graceful.

  21. Marko [basicmember]

    Stunning …..Great Work Ryan keep up the good work!



  22. JKNorth [lifer]

    I am loving your recent work, and I think this is my favourite. You’ve been getting back to basics, telling a STORY with your scenes, rather than just trying to make the most complicated image. Loved the lightning and planetscape, but this is even better. It fires the imagination and inspires creativity.

  23. Rose [lifer]

    I second the idea of crystal formations in the rock, so you can actually refract not only the lava but the snow in them.

  24. Rhekyn [nonmonthly]

    Excellent Ryan. Have you considered crystal embedded in the rock? It will really add to your rendering time but it will allow you to pull some of the blues from the exterior directly to the colors reflecting from the lava colors below.

  25. Mario [basicmember]

    A sharp contrast between earth and sky, fire and ice. The colors are stunning!

  26. Richard H. [liferplus]

    A Cave of Ice and Fire!

  27. Zumbi [nonmonthly]

    Thanks for all Ryan! The color composition is very niceI But I think you should add some heat flickering to make it more intense 🙂

  28. Michael N [lifer]

    I just realized that there is snow outside this cave. I thought the ceiling was glowing blue. I liked it before but I think I like it more now that I’ve realized that.

  29. nissim [liferplus]

    Could the lava be more red?

  30. Carolyn [liferplus]

    This is my favorite one so far and they have all been awesome. Great job!

  31. Glynne [basicmember]

    Fabulous – really nailed the underground feel and look.

  32. Spencer [basicmember]

    Been really doing some fine work these last couple months. I feel like these are new and fresh works and I am loving them. They look amazing on a 4K display.

  33. Jenanne [liferplus]

    I guess I’m not done enjoying the renders generated by your cave itch. Nicely done. I’m not quite sure about the snow, but maybe it will grow on me.

  34. Josh [basicmember]

    Reading The Hobbit right now, and this captivating scene could be one of the lesser traveled parts of the Misty Mountains.

  35. Josh [basicmember]

    Reading The Hobbit right now, and this captivating scene could be one of the lesser traveled parts of the Misty Mountains.

  36. Josh [basicmember]

    Reading The Hobbit right now, and this captivating scene could be one of the lesser traveled parts of the Misty Mountains.

  37. Amanda [nonmonthly]

    Love this, contrasts of all sorts to ponder and enjoy. The colours and ideas make it vibrate and resonate for me! Brilliant!

  38. Brian Thompson [basicmember]

    12/10 would download. Such a great image

  39. Greg [liferplus]

    Looks awesome Ryan!

  40. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Absolutely fabulous!!!

  41. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Absolutely fabulous!!!

  42. qmong [lifer]

    I love the bit to the right where the rocks reflect both the lava and the snow.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot tell what the relative positions of the rock section to the left and the ovalish one to the top right. Is one supposed to be in front of the other, or are they side by side? I feel almost like either the size or shading might need to be tweaked, or that there’s something missing in the foreground. I can’t quite put my finger on it. It also feels almost like the glow is too uniform.

    Love the fire and ice, lava under cold earth!

  43. Ryan

    I guess I wasn’t quite done with my cave itch when I posted “Bones of the Earth”. I had the idea here to create a scene lit from below by lava. The snow came relatively near the end but I think it makes a nice contrast. What do you think?

  44. Dave N [lifer]

    Could use a touch more shadow maybe? some of the crevasses look a bit light. Still its now on my monitors.

  45. violet [nonmonthly]

    wow, love it

  46. Rodewaryer [nonmonthly]

    Wow, the light on the rocks is just so right, the snow contrast has not gone unappreciated either, I think that was a great call. Love this piece!

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