Fire Made Flesh


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…Dany gasped. They were the most beautiful things she had ever seen, each different than the others, patterned in such rich colors that at first she thought they were crusted with jewels, and so large it took both of her hands to hold one. She lifted it delicately, expecting that it would be made of some fine porcelain or delicate enamel, or even blown glass, but it was much heavier than that, as if were all solid stone. The surface of the shell was covered with tiny scales, as as she turned the egg between her fingers, they shimmered like polished metal in the light of the setting sun. One egg was a deep green, with burnished bronze flecks that came and went depending on how Dany turned it. Another was pale cream streaked with gold. The last was black, as black as midnight yet alive with scarlet ripples and swirls. “What are they?” she asked, her voice hushed and full of wonder

“Dragon’s eggs, from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai…” — Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin.

I’ve long been fascinated with the descriptions of the dragon’s eggs in the world of “The Song of Ice and Fire”. Most of the ones I’ve seen represented IRL have huge scales but the description from the text says they are tiny. I chalked this up to craftspeople maybe not having the ability to create tiny scales. This is not a problem that I have on my computer however.

I created this scene on my mobile workstation while Bucephalus worked rendering another project.

Happy Easter!!

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13 reviews for Fire Made Flesh

  1. docster [basicmember]

    Wow! A Fabergé nest! Beautiful!

  2. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Somehow I missed this one when you first uploaded it. A very belated thank you. Love the colours.

  3. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Daenerys Stormborn is just waiting for these dragon eggs to hatch. The Game of Thrones has just begun!

  4. Frederick

    I wonder what they would look like without the fire.

  5. Andre

    The beauty of Game of Thrones.. its an awesome tribute.

  6. duckchick

    I’m a huge Song of Ice and Fire fan, and this is tickling all my funny bones!!

  7. Mangoman

    Seeing these three Ovums on that bed of coals reminded me of the Book of Daniel just a bit; although I’m sure S.,M.,&A. weren’t expecting dragon’s eggs. At least we know one thing: no child will find these in their back yard. Right, Ryan? Sir?

  8. Richard H.


    Brill! Thanks very much! I wasn’t even expecting a direct reply, so I’m delighted (a) to get one and (b) to find the 5K render waiting for me! Fantastic! I look forward very much to more 5K renders in the future; they look absolutely stunning on the wonderful iMac screen. Thanks again.

  9. Holobits

    Ryan,I am completely nerding out over this. Thank you!

  10. Greg

    With the work in progress picture I was sort of on the fence about the whole idea.

    But your transformation from in-progress to final product on this piece is truly amazing. It’s not just a little better; it has turned a ‘coolish Easter idea’ into a badass Easter bunny terminator hellscape.

    When I played around with Photoshop 6.0 and 7.0 in college, this feel is what I was trying to create. After hours of work I’d end up with mediocre fire rendered with Eye Candy and a lens flare or two because it was 2001.

    Point is, this work makes me happy and takes me back at the same time. Art evoking emotion; so this is what it feels like…


  11. Kaaletram

    Amazing! I love this. Simple yet incredibly elegant and striking at the same time.

  12. Ryan

    Actually I just forgot to upload it this morning. Sorry about that. It should be showing up now. I will be continuing to produce 5K renders whenever possible!!

  13. Richard H.

    Hi, I like this, but… now that I’ve got a Retina iMac, I’m really only interested in downloading your latest artwork at 5K resolution. For this image, you’ve done 4K but not the iMac’s 5K (5120×2880). With the last desktop, Sonoran Spring (which I really like), I was very disappointed to read that you’d lost your 5K render to an inadvertent reboot (as I’d have really liked a 5K version of that). With this Fire Made Flesh image, though, you don’t even mention 5K. I appreciate that 5K renders take a long time, but from my perspective they’re what I ideally want, whereas multi-desktop images (for example) are of no interest to me personally. I do hope you’ll produce 5K renders as often as possible in future.

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