Electric Dahlia


SKU: electricdahlia1 Category: Tags: ,


A few years ago we journeyed back to San Diego with the kids and visited Balboa Park one day. There happened to be a dahlia exhibition and contest going on and I was simply amazed at the diversity, beauty and complexity of this type of flower. I resolved to model one someday and here it is (with my own spin of course). One last flower before winter sets in for 2017. I modeled the blooms and set up the UVs in Plant Factory and finished the texturing in Lightwave.

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13 reviews for Electric Dahlia

  1. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    You seem to have captured a minds eye view of Life’s Essence. Very nice work and a great piece just as it is.

  2. Dan [basicmember]

    This looks nice on all my devices ..Thank you .Hope to see some different spins on this one.

  3. Keith-E [nonmonthly]

    Many thanks for the TriScreen. Lurve this color palette. It’s electric!

  4. Jenanne [liferplus]

    This looks amazing on my devices (particularly my phone), and it goes very nicely with the Halloween favorites in rotation at the moment. Terrific, Ryan!

  5. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Awesome, The depth and colours, jump out at you, amazing, Love it.

  6. pheonixheart [liferplus]

    This is instantly probably one of my new favorites! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It almost has an optical illusion if you stare at the center and move your head it looks like it’s leaping off the page. Or maybe that could just be me and my astigmatism? LOL dunno but i LOVE it!!!

  7. Dan [liferplus]

    I love the detail, I love the color, I love the depth of field effect. This render just jumped into my top few favorites.

  8. Donna [liferplus]

    This is gorgeous, thank you. I had a cousin who raised the MOST beautiful Dahlias. I was always amazed at the detail, color, and diversity! This would have thrilled her, and if she could have grown one like this, she would have!

  9. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I must admit that the dahlias I used to grow in the past weren’t quite the same :), very nice colours

  10. Littlemom [liferplus]

    At first I wasn’t sure I really liked this one, but I think it’s growing on me, no pun intended. I do like the fiberoptic feel this render gives off. It reminds me of those fiberoptic Christmas trees. Like I said I’m seriously changing the was I feel about this render even as I type this. Great job Ryan!!!

  11. George [nonmonthly]

    This one really “pops”. Excellent depth and color.

  12. Tolerance Sucks [nonmonthly]

    I really like this one. Sort of a combination of real (the dahlias) and abstract (what you did with them). I suppose the result could qualify as surreal. It’s now my wallpaper.

  13. Macolva [liferplus]

    I love your imaginative abstracts, but one based on my favorite flower makes this one really special!

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