

SKU: conglomerator Category: Tags: , ,

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= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

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4 reviews for Conglomerator

  1. Mangoman23

    Its almost as if it’s a huge being who is about to open two ugly eyes and an equally ugly mouth to devour us…or earth…or something. It’s very malevolent looking. Still, what you’ve done with the program and the colors is another example of your amazing imagination and talent. RB+Hypervoxels – who’da thunk it?

  2. Kris

    This is a strange pic, reminds me of worms.

  3. Ryan

    It is a strange picture, I’ll admit. I was just experimenting with some of the forms that could be created using Lightwave’s “Hypervoxels”.

  4. joe

    this remindes me of some sort of disease or some fungi looking thing, good work on it but not for me imafraid

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