Anvil (Night)


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Perhaps I went a bit overboard with the lightning, but I felt the storm had to be bright enough to illuminate the foreground a bit (which would have been a mass of black otherwise). Let me know what you think.

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26 reviews for Anvil (Night)

  1. Michael [lifer]

    I love the ground in this image but it’s hard to pay attention to it because the storm draws my eyes away. I’d love to see the same landscape but with just the moon and some clouds.

  2. Hoverwolf1 [lifer]

    Love it.

  3. Telaria [nonmonthly]

    Very nice! Full of action!!

  4. Luke [lifer]

    Hi Ryan, there’s a weird looking circle in the right third of the triple-screen image – was that deliberate?

  5. Cincykn1t [lifer]

    I, too, have lived in the land where these are real. This is a nice way to see their fierce beauty but not have to worry about the imminent sirens warning you to hide.

  6. Nova [nonmonthly]

    This one reminds me of the summer storms where I live, so no worries about too much lightning — happens here a lot. 😉

  7. Susan [nonmonthly]

    With that storm I’m running for cover. Very spectacular and realistic. I like it.

  8. Gary S [lifer]

    Nice image. It is very realistic of dry lightning storms at night on wildland fires in grass fuel types. You should continue this theme by portraying such storms in chaparral, timber-sage, and timber-grass fuel types. Maybe even push the envelope by depicting the fire dragon and firefighters.

  9. Rich Swain [basicmember]

    Any chance of a dual monitor version of this one?

  10. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    Your night version here knocked it outta the park, often I like the night version better, being a bit a night person but often they lack something. Not this time, the original pales by comparison. Fantastic!

  11. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, the original was good but the upgrade is better. Well done!

  12. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Dramatic Storm! Wouldn’t want to be out there on a night like this! Well done!

  13. Brandi U. [liferplus]

    Wonderfully done. I really like the way the light baths the ground in shadows. I’m good with it not being hyper realistic(I also understand the challenges of lighting in Vue). Love the way the cloud is lit.

  14. Ros [basicmember]

    excellent render, the lightning could be sharper, more distinct. Too fuzzy

  15. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    … as neighbors go around here (only 20+ miles) takes awesome photos of lightning:

    in case that helps. Or I could ask some of the lightning specialists here.

  16. Jenanne [liferplus]

    I agree that the lightning looks fuzzy and too thick. Other than that, the render rocks.

  17. Glynne [basicmember]

    I can just about hear the crack of the lightening

  18. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Wow! Nicely done!

  19. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I’m just not sure about this one. I like the concept behind it but I really don’t like the lightning it’s very distracting and detracts from the over render. Maybe you could do a different night version maybe with a moon instead.

  20. Ryan

    I wanted a subtle “glow” around the lightning bolts but it turned out a bit stronger than I would have liked. If I do an update that will be the first thing I fix.

  21. JKNorth [lifer]

    I agree with the other comments about the lightning. The halo effect around the bolts weakens the impact and is a little distracting. Other than that, the image is fantastic. Moody. Great colour palette. It can be easy to go overboard with lightning but I don’t think you have. Love the sense of scale with the trees on the ground.

  22. MikeD [lifer]

    I’ve lived in Texas for many decade, witnessed many a thunderstorm, some more vigorous than others. In all those years, with all the storms I’ve seen and photographed, the lightning has always been “crisp” and well defined. The lightning in this render looks soft and fuzzy. Artist’s prerogative, perhaps? I would vote for it being sharper as that would be more like reality.

    Lightning aside, everything else about it is well done. Yeah, I know volumetric lighting is hard to do but what you’ve done with the tools available is fine. I do like this one better than the “daylight” version done earlier.

  23. CynCtyChik [nonmonthly]

    I do not think you went overboard with the lightening. I think its beautiful yet dangerous! I really like how clear and sharp the trees are against the purple and dark gray sky. A+

  24. Ryan

    I’m with you. One thing I need to figure out is how to more realistically light the cloud from within. Vue can sort of do this but the render times tend to explode.

  25. D. C. Sessions [lifer]

    First impression is very good — lightning is always better at night. However, something just didn’t seem quite right and I *suspect* it’s the secondary lighting from the flash being a bit too uniform. The physics of cloud lighting is tricky at best so your tools may not handle it terribly well (NMT’s physics department is loaded with lightning physicists, so maybe I’m being picky.)

  26. Rene [nonmonthly]

    WOW! Awaiting impatiently your update 😉 I just love the night scenes.

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