Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 23, 2016

Alpine Autumn

This piece started out as a learning exercise using Quadspinner’s excellent “Geoglyph” plugin for World Machine. The background mountains and foothills were modeled using this software.

Unfortunately my render bogged down unexpectedly around the 2/3rds mark and I paused it to work on another idea. Unfortunately when I tried to reload this project the scene file failed to open. Grrrrr!

Fortunately I had saved my render in progress and was able to use a few tricks to finish it off. Unfortunately this means I don’t have any scene data available to render a multiscreen, winter versions, further revisions, etc.

I hope you can enjoy it as is though!

Posted on October 20, 2016

Cogito Ergo Sum

While looking up at the stars one recent evening I had the idea that if you were to look directly down on someone floating on a calm sea at night, they might appear to be drifting in space. I liked the idea so much that I paused my Autumn landscape render (which is very nearly finished) and set about crafting it.

“Cogito Ergo Sum” (I think, therefore I am) is a companion piece of sorts to The Dreamer. The boat and the boy are the same (though altered slightly for this scene). Where the action in that render takes place beneath the surface of the water, this piece uses a reflected sky. I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on October 10, 2016

Slender Man (Happy Halloween)

Seeing as my new Autumn landscape (which, btw, I think you folks will really enjoy) still has some time left to render I thought I might as well post this Halloween project that I put together on Bucephalus.

This one is still has a few issues to work out so don’t be surprised if I post another version before Halloween. I will get cracking on the multiscreen versions ASAP though!

Posted on October 1, 2016

October Ivy

I have a few irons in the fire right now, but I thought I would be a good time to finally share this personal project from last year. I created it to honor my favorite baseball team which (last fall) finally looked poised to win it all. I went back and forth about posting it in the gallery, but decided to give it a go here 2016. I realize this one might be of limited appeal so I thank you in advance for your forbearance…

Meanwhile I have been hard at work learning a new piece of software. Expect some interesting results soon 🙂

Posted on September 16, 2016

The Turning

I modeled these trees using The Plant Factory as an exercise in varying the hue of the foliage on each individual model. After all, an Autumn tree is rarely all one color.

I’ve used various tricks to replicate that effect in the past but this is the first time I’ve been able to create single model with multiple different colored leaves. This should lead to ever more realistic Autumn landscapes in the future 🙂

I should have a few Pickle Jar versions to upload in the next few days but I will let this render stand alone for the time being. I hope you enjoy it!!