Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on January 14, 2021


This is a bit of a warm-up exercise after a week or so away from rendering. I noticed recently that my son Ian has been using other wallpapers on his machine. He told me my work was “too high-res”, which I took to mean he’s looking for something more minimal. I certainly can caught up sometimes in adding too much detail so consider this render to be a study in restraint 🙂

In a normal year Jessie would have dragged me away from the computer for a trip or two. That didn’t happen last year and if I was home chances were I was rendering. I told myself after posting my last render that it was time for a break. This will be my 24th year running this gallery so I’ve learned how to monitor and maintain my creative batteries.

I may linger with this scene for a bit so stay tuned 🙂

Posted on January 4, 2021

Shinrin Yoku (Night)

When I added lanterns to the pathside in my bamboo forest I’m sure you all knew that I was going to attempt a night version. I didn’t actually know if it would work or not but I like how it turned out. I hope you agree!

Posted on December 29, 2020

Shinrin Yoku

My mother sent me an article earlier this year about how being in nature can boost your immune system and mood. The Japanese even have a term for seeking this benefit…”Shinrin Yoku” or “Forest Bathing”. It isn’t news that being in nature can be good for your health, but I like that there’s a word for it.

Everything is very brown and dormant in my part of the world right now so I wanted to create something inexorably green and (hopefully) peaceful to close out the crazy year that was 2020. If you can’t get to a forest I will bring one to you 🙂

Posted on December 29, 2020

Shinrin Yoku

Multi-Screen Render

My mother sent me an article earlier this year about how being in nature can boost your immune system and mood. The Japanese even have a term for seeking this benefit…”Shinrin Yoku” or “Forest Bathing”. It isn’t news that being in nature can be good for your health, but I like that there’s a word for it.

Everything is very brown and dormant in my part of the world right now so I wanted to create something inexorably green and (hopefully) peaceful to close out the crazy year that was 2020. If you can’t get to a forest I will bring one to you 🙂

Posted on December 21, 2020

Snowglobe (Fluorescence)

Hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since I posted what will probably always be my most famous render. I thought it would be fun to mark the occasion with a special Christmas version. The idea came to me as I was exploring Blender and discovered its very useful “Real Snow” addon which I then used to add snow atop my mushrooms.

I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful holiday!