Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on March 1, 2000

  • A few new items today. I’ve posted the early renders of “Frozen” (in which the moon is not so frozen). These can be found here along with “The Brink“. “The Brink” is kind of an oddball image in that I like the earlier (non-atmospheric) renders better. Jessie really liked this version though, and demanded that I post it. Yes’m!

    I’ve also added “The Red Planet” to the gallery. I just started working on this one yesterday afternoon so you can probably expect to see one or two “developments” in the future. I’d love to hear your ideas on the subject, so don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

  • I was using Alta Vista this morning (waiting for “Red Planet” to finish rendering) and on a lark I decided to type in “Digital Blasphemy” into the box. Here is a screenshot of what I got back. (click here to see for yourself) Note the “related searches” links, which I assume are there because they are popular. I guess it’s better than no one wanting to see your work, right?

Posted on February 26, 2000

Posted on February 25, 2000

  • “Frozen” is new today in the Pickle Jar and on the New Images page. This is my first “space scene” developed 100% inside Lightwave. There are lots of things which could go in the foreground of this image, and I’ll be thinking hard about that, but for now I think it makes a nice background all by itself. Simple.

Posted on February 21, 2000

  • Good news and bad news this morning. First the bad news: no 2000 gallery yet. My addition of the Picklejar has made things a little more complicated then simply extending the galleries that are already present. I assure you that it is a priority.

    Now the good news. I just posted 2 new images, and a few different renders of some older works.

    The Gardener” is the first of the new works. My point here was to experiment more with Deep Paint 3D and try out “interior design” using World Builder. There are two “alternate” versions available in the Pickle Jar.

    Also new is “Ripples“, another “learning exercise” using the same software which created the Ocean for “Two Ships”. The true power of the software can better be seen in this short animation (ripples.avi [an error occurred while processing this directive] download).

    I’ve also posted a couple of earlier renders of “the Sentinels” and a couple of extra renders from “the ships“.

Posted on February 14, 2000

  • I hope you all are having a wonderful Valentine’s Day (if you celebrate that sort of thing). Since last week I’ve been up to my eyes in “Deep Paint 3D”, trying to figure out how to texture my Lightwave objects and then have that same texture work in World Builder. Not as simple as it may sound. My efforts in this area should lead to improved versions of the Pagoda and Neptune’s Garden soon.

    For now, however, I have my first “tester” image to show you. It’s called, originally enough, “Sentinels 2000” and it is available in the Pickle Jar and on the New Images page.

    I’ve also honored a some of your requests. You can now download a “shipless” version of “Ships Passing”, and I’ve made my “CD Cover” available as a wallpaper. Both of these images are available (for now) in the Pickle Jar. Enjoy!