Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 1, 2002

  • October is finally here. It’s going to be a big month for me. Jessie and I (picture of us here) are finally going to be married on the 12th. We have a big church wedding planned out and we’ll be hosting the reception at our house afterwards. Lots of family are flying in from all over the country. I’ll be meeting some members of Jessie’s family for the very first time (scary!). We leave for our honeymoon the week after the wedding.

    Basically, I’m not going to have a lot of time to devote to making new wallpapers this month. Jessie really needs me to help out with the planning and to just be there for her (she’s stressing out big time). I’ve decided that since I will be taking so much time off, that it would cool if I just added a month (31 days) to everyone’s subscriptions. If you check the account status page you will see that I’ve already done so. New members will have the extra month added automatically at signup.

    It’s not totally out of the question that I might post another wallpaper or two this month, but don’t bet on it. Actually, I’ve been feeling the need to take a breather for some time now. My creative batteries could use the recharge.

    Wish us luck! Jessie and I have been together for six years now (living together for the past three) so I don’t see how things will be that different after the wedding (save for the fact that we hope to have children fairly soon). I do know that I love her madly and I look forward to growing old with her by my side.

Posted on September 30, 2002

  • I’ve added my latest render to the gallery today. It’s called “Dome of the Blue Seeress” and you’ll find it on the new images page. I’ve also posted a minor variation in the Pickle Jar. I hope you like it! If you have commments, send them my way.

Posted on September 27, 2002

  • My newest project is coming along nicely. I think it should be up by Monday at the latest.

Posted on September 21, 2002

  • Late Update: I’ve posted a third (slightly more radical) revision of “Morningshade“. The earlier versions remain available in the Pickle Jar.
  • I’ve posted a revised render of “Morningshade” on the new images page. The foreground flowers in the original were ill-defined and I think they look a little better this time around. There’s one another option I want to try so don’t be surprised to see another post later today.

Posted on September 20, 2002

  • It’s been quite some time since I’ve worked with World Builder. I downloaded the updated 3.2 version when it came out, but I’ve been too afraid to use it until now. I’m happy to say that it is more stable now, though it still crashes more than I would like.

    I used World Builder to create my latest wallpaper, “Morningshade”, which is now up on the New Images page for you to check out. I hope you like it!