Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 29, 2002

  • I finally got around to opening up my graphics software yesterday and I actually did quite a few renders. Most of them were nonsense doodles, warming up you might say.

    Jessie thought one of them looked nice however, and said I should post it for you. I’ve titled it “Muted Autumn” and it’s up on the new images page. I hope you like it. I’m still working on other projects and should have some new renders up shortly.

Posted on October 25, 2002

  • Bula! Jessie and I got back late last night from our honeymoon in Fiji. We spent 7 days on the island of Tokoriki

Posted on October 14, 2002

  • Jessie and I were married Saturday, Oct. 12th, at Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. Jessie’s oldest brother, Father Peter, performed the ceremony (which, by all accounts that I’ve heard, was beautiful and moving). I nearly broke down and cried when I saw Jessica being led to the altar. She was so beautiful. I hope to have some pictures to show you in a couple of weeks (after the honeymoon).

    The reception went by in a blur, but everyone told me that it was a fantastic party. It was great having my family around me again. We live too far apart and I miss them greatly. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 2, but they seem to get along great now. I was really happy to see them hanging out together and having a good time.

    I was a little nervous about meeting Jessie’s family for the first time (as a future son-in-law). My fears turned out to be completely unfounded. Despite the language barriers (I don’t speak Vietnamese) we got along just great. Given all of the hardships they’ve had to endure (escaping Vietnam in the late ’70s and starting over with nothing in a strange new country) I wouldn’t blame them for being bitter and mistrustful. However, I found them to be some of the kindest and warmest people I’ve ever met. I feel so honored to be part of their family.

    I’ll write more when we get back from our Honeymoon. Thanks everyone for sending such nice emails. Jessie and I will try to respond to as many of them as we can. I doubt I will be doing any Halloween imagery this year. I do have a small collection of pre-existing work, which you can access by using my search engine.

    I hope to be back working on new wallpapers before the end of the month. Thanks everyone for being patient!

Posted on October 3, 2002

  • I have one last bit of unfinished business to take care of before I break for my wedding (see 10/1 news post). I’ve added a night version of “Dome of the Blue Seeress” for those of you who requested it. I hope you like it!

Posted on October 1, 2002

  • October is finally here. It’s going to be a big month for me. Jessie and I (picture of us here) are finally going to be married on the 12th. We have a big church wedding planned out and we’ll be hosting the reception at our house afterwards. Lots of family are flying in from all over the country. I’ll be meeting some members of Jessie’s family for the very first time (scary!). We leave for our honeymoon the week after the wedding.

    Basically, I’m not going to have a lot of time to devote to making new wallpapers this month. Jessie really needs me to help out with the planning and to just be there for her (she’s stressing out big time). I’ve decided that since I will be taking so much time off, that it would cool if I just added a month (31 days) to everyone’s subscriptions. If you check the account status page you will see that I’ve already done so. New members will have the extra month added automatically at signup.

    It’s not totally out of the question that I might post another wallpaper or two this month, but don’t bet on it. Actually, I’ve been feeling the need to take a breather for some time now. My creative batteries could use the recharge.

    Wish us luck! Jessie and I have been together for six years now (living together for the past three) so I don’t see how things will be that different after the wedding (save for the fact that we hope to have children fairly soon). I do know that I love her madly and I look forward to growing old with her by my side.