Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 17, 2007

  • This new wallpaper is taking me a little longer than I had anticipated. After about a weeks worth of work I basically scrapped most of it and started over yesterday. I’m happy with what I have now though and when the render is complete (either sometime tonight or early tomorrow) I hope to have it up for you.

Posted on July 14, 2007

  • A quick update today. I’ve been trying to learn a new piece of software (called Zbrush) and the process has been slow going. It’s quite different from the 3D apps that I amused to.

    I do have a project in the works though and it is in the middle of a pretty long render. I estimate another 24-36 hours before it’s finished.

  • I’ve mirrored your comments on the free site so everyone can now read them. The comments on the free site are refreshed hourly. Only members can post though.
  • Lastly, I’d like to mention that the galleries should be a little bit easier to navigate now. I’ve increased the number of images on each page so there should be a lot less clicking through the categories.

Posted on July 8, 2007

Posted on July 6, 2007

  • I’ve gone back and made a few changes to my new “Tropical Moon”. The planet rings are more distinct now and I think the clouds look better (less like fog). Some of you asked that the foreground be lightened, but I really want the foreground to be silhouette. In fact, this version may be a shade darker than the first.

    Anyway, it’s now up on the New Images page while the original version resides in the Pickle Jar.

  • Some folks have written me regarding wallpapers for the iPhone. My phone is slowly falling apart so I was in the ATT store the other day looking for a replacement. I played around with an iPhone and it looks like a cool little gadget. I couldn’t figure out how to download an image from the web and use it as wallpaper, but I hear it is possible to do so.

    I’ll be happy to post some iPhone wallpapers once I figure out what size (and orientation) they need to be. I must say though, that it is tough keeping up with all the gadgets and screen sizes out there!

Posted on July 3, 2007

  • I was looking at “Tropical Moon of Thetis” the other day (I have a print hanging in the room where my kids do most of their playing) and it occurred to me that I could make some nice improvements with my new software.

    The original was really a quick and dirty attempt to compose a Vue scene in front of a Lightwave generated background (it may have been the first time I tried such a thing). I was quite surprised that the image became so popular.

    Anyway, I’ve composed a new version and it’s now up on the New Images page. I hope you like it.

  • Those of you looking for a festive 4th of July wallpaper can have a look at “Happy 4th” or “The Emblem Of“. Hope you have a safe and happy holiday!