Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 19, 2008

  • I know my doctor told me to take it easy, but I had an idea for a Halloween wallpaper and time was wasting. As I said below, the pain has been a lot better than I thought it was going to be so I was able to sit long enough to put together a new image. It’s called “A New Playmate” and it’s now up in the gallery.

    Given all the stress I’ve been though recently, and what we’ve all been watching on the news every day, I thought it would be better to do something fun rather than something ghoulish. Hope you guys like it!

Posted on October 15, 2008

  • I’m back home from the hospital now (they let me go home yesterday actually). I’ve been told that everything went smoothly and I am in a lot less pain that I was after the first operation last year. They still don’t want me working or even lifting more than 10 lbs for the next week or so but I have a feeling that I will be back at work sooner rather than later. Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes!

Posted on October 12, 2008

  • I’ve posted the dual and triple screen versions of “Niflheim” this afternoon. I hope you enjoy them!

    I found out on Thursday that I need to have some surgery done. The operation is tommorow and, while it isn’t anything life threatening, I do expect to be out of commission for a while (I’ll know more about how long tommorow).

    It’s the same type of operation I underwent last November. I’ve been dealing with the lingering effects all year really. The first operation wasn’t entirely successful so hopefully this one gets the job done.

    Wish me luck!

Posted on October 7, 2008

  • Added “Niflheim” to the gallery this evening (title explained here). This is the space project that I mentioned setting aside in my “Inspiration” blog post. I was torn on whether or not to come back to it, since being stuck on a project is not very much fun. I’m glad I decided to work it out though. It think it came out rather well and makes a nice addition to my space images. I also like that it is a complete 180 from my previous 3 pieces. I hope you like it too.

    Next up is a multi-screen version and then I’d like to do something a little more seasonal. Either another fall image or perhaps a Halloween theme.

    Speaking of Halloween: I’ve added links to all of my Holiday images (see just below the 1997 gallery link on the left hand side of the page) so it should be a little easier to find the images you want without having to dig through the main galleries.

Posted on October 6, 2008

  • Just wanted to chime in a let you guys know that I am finishing up a new render (a space theme) and I hope to have it available sometime in the next few days depending on how long the render takes.