Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 19, 2011

The Last Throes -- Updated 08/19/11I added a new planetscape that I’ve been playing around with recently. It’s called “The Last Throes” and I am experimenting here with some new ways of generating outer space “dust” in 3D.
The scene started in Lightwave (the stellar “phenomena”) and then I used the resulting render as a backdrop in Vue d’Esprit to add the dust. I used the resulting combination as yet another backdrop in Lightwave to add the planets. Then back into Vue for one more layer of dust. Anyway, file this one under “experimental”.
What do you think? Back to the drawing board?

Posted on August 14, 2011

Cosmic Shoals -- Updated 08/14/11
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Cosmic Shoals” to the gallery this morning. You might notice that moved some things around to fit wider/shorter frame. Hope you guys enjoy it!

FYI: My “Back-To-School” special is set to expire at midnight tonight. Use the “BACKTOSCHOOL” coupon code to save 25% off all Memberships and Renewals Thanks!!

Posted on August 11, 2011

Cosmic Shoals -- Updated 08/11/11I’ve added an update to 2003’sCosmic Shoals” this afternoon. I didn’t really set out to do an update when I started this project. Rather I set out to model a globular cluster (and some of that is still in the image) but the story “grew in the telling”.

Jessie told me this one reminded her of some of my earlier work, and I tend to think this is because of the lack of any vegetation or the other objects I tend to scatter around using Vue’s ecosystems. I did try adding some “alien flora” here and there but nothing really seemed to look right (given the scale of the scene). I may yet play around with that but I thought it looked nice enough to share as is. Hope you enjoy it!

One more note. There’s only one more week until my kids start school (Jason in Kindergarten!). I will miss them bursting in every 30 minutes wanting to play, but I’m looking forward to some peace and quiet. To celebrate I am offering 25% off all Memberships and Renewals until midnight 8/15. Use coupon code “BACKTOSCHOOL” to get the discount.

Posted on August 4, 2011

Heliocentric (Night) -- Updated 08/04/11
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Heliocentric (Night)” to the Members Gallery this morning. Nice to have Bucephalus free to work on something new now.

Speaking of Bucephalus, here is a page I put together with some photos and info about my new box. Check it out if you are curious as to what hardware I use for rendering. Yes, I’m a PC…

Posted on August 2, 2011

Heliocentric (Night) -- Updated 07/31/11I’ve added one last render of “Heliocentric (Night)” to the gallery. This scene is lit simply by the Moon. The stars are a bit brighter and I have brought back the firelight in the lower right corner. The other versions will remain in the Pickle Jar.

I liked the “alien” version but I don’t think the planet was really necessary for the scene. It was fun to try though and I hope those of you who enjoy it will continue to use whichever version you prefer! Thanks again for all the feedback on this one! Ready to render the multiscreen now…