Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on February 13, 2012

The Floating Garden (Twilight) -- Updated 02/13/12I’ve added one more version of “The Floating Garden (Twilight)” to the Members Gallery this morning. This one is somewhere between the first two.

I’ve cut back on the sunlight a bit and turned back on some of the lights in the water. I’m sticking with the blue for now.

I haven’t, of course, had a whole lot of time for artwork these past couple of weeks but I am looking forward to being creative again.

Posted on February 11, 2012

The Unveiling -- Updated 02/11/12
I’ve also added the dual and triple-screen versions of “The Unveiling” this morning.

You will also find a free version of “The Unveiling” for use on your Facebook Timeline profile here. The multiscreen took a bit longer to render than usual since my Hydra workstation shorted out last month and I am down to my 3rd string renderer.

Posted on February 7, 2012

Me and my Dad ~1978
It has been a very difficult past week for me and my family but having all of these great pictures of my Dad really helps.

A lot of people thought (and still think) that I was crazy to move my family from sunny San Diego back to farm country. It seemed like an easy decision at the time because I was infected by the joy my parents shared at the arrival of my son Ian.

As I wrote on this page back in 09/2004: “Those of you who live in the Midwest may think that I have gone crazy. We are giving up the best weather in the country and moving back to blizzards, ice storms, and sub-zero temps (and the opposite extremes of heat and humidity). It does feel a little crazy, but Jessie and I have decided that it is more important that Ian grow up with an extended family who loves him.

I’ve been looking over the photos of my Dad and two boys over the past 7 years and I still think we did the right thing in moving back to Illinois. I am happy that I got to reconnect with my Dad but I don’t know if that makes his passing easier or harder. All I know is that I will miss him dearly and I am glad he was a big part of my life these past 8 years.

Be on the lookout for a possible “sunset” version of “The Floating Garden” in the days ahead. I am really looking forward to making new artwork.

Posted on February 4, 2012

The Floating Garden -- Updated 02/04/12
I haven’t had a lot of time for making artwork this past week. I had a few moments alone yesterday however and I used them to put together a multiscreen version of “The Floating Garden”. Members can download it here.

A free version for Facebook Timelines is available for all to use here.

I still consider this scene to be a work-in-progress so don’t be surprised if another version or two supersede this one. I have already posted one Pickle Jar version from early on.

The whole creative process was horribly interrupted.

I also wanted to mention that the fine folks at Disruptive Publishers have released a new dynamic PS3 theme based on my “Hidden Forces” wallpaper. Here is the rest of their collection.

Their work keeps getting better and better!


Posted on January 31, 2012

The Floating Garden -- Updated 01/31/12I would just like to say thanks to everyone for the kind words posted here and on my Facebook account regarding the recent sudden loss of my father. I am still reeling from all of this but it helps that my four brothers and my sister are all together now sharing stories and laughing/crying through our memories.

The hardest part of all of this, for me, is thinking about what my two boys are going to miss out on. I feel like I am greiving for the three us. Seven years ago my wife and I made the decision to move our family from sunny San Diego back to my hometown in Illinois so my kids could grow up with two grandparents around. Rather than rue the past however, I will try to be thankful for the few years we did have together.

One thing that I always knew about my Dad was that he loved to make things, whether it be music, painting, or Christmas presents for his grandkids. He loved telling stories.

I would like to think that his creative spirit will live on in my work. I am looking forward to sharing some of his paintings with you in the weeks ahead.

I’ve added “The Floating Garden” to the Members Gallery today. I’ve been working on this project for the past week or so and the render finally finished yesterday. Now I haven’t decided if I am truly finished with it or not, but I thought it looked nice enough to post as is. I am not sure when I will be able to pick up work on it again.

I had thought to dedicate this to my father, but decided against it. I will create something more fitting in the future. Thanks again to everyone for the condolenses and prayers. They have helped more than you can possibly know.