This one started as an experiment with Gaea attempting to produce a “grooved” alien landscape. After spending a few weeks on familiar themes I wanted to break out and try something very different than anything I’d done before. It’s a bit odd but I hope you enjoy it!
Terry Keisic
Love it!
personally i really like the ones that are obviously 3d art especially the abstracts and planetscapes. this is why i fell in love with your work in the 90’s. this render reminds me of the old times, with a bit of modern high-res polish on it. instant favorite 🙂
Damita Allen
Another beautiful alien landscape! 😀
Xuan Li
Jen Helgren
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
Wow! Great work. I love your planetscapes!
Gian Luigi
Highly emotional work
Cyrille VIVION
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime Plus]
I love it! Very original, beautiful render and colors. A perfect blend of futuristic/mathematic and “out of a dream” render. Don’t hesitate leave the beaten track and produce other wallpapers like this one!
Reuben Walters
Reminds me of CS Lewis Book, Perelandra, where the ground acts like waves on that planet. Well done.
Richard Birnage
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
A most successful experiment!
Ryan Bueter
Abstract and space, very nice!
Jeffrey Thayer
I love Strange New Worlds, this one is Awsome! Great Render my friend.
Jenn Eustace
Eric Liscinsky
[Donor, Lifetime]
OMG! This is spectacular!!! Bravo!!
Justin Palmer
[Basic, Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
I love this one. It reminds me of The Wave in Arizona.
Unique. Contemplation of art makes it art. I’m pondering whether it’s a combination abstract & realism or all realism with photoluminescent mountains.
Ben Davenport
Cathy Warren
[Lifetime Plus]
This one is definitely different.
Matthew DiPasquale
Timothy Sullivan
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
Interesting merger of landscapes and abstracts!
Nathan Zachary
[Plus, Lifetime]
I love when you experiment with new techniques and ideas! This one is a wild ride that has me wondering what type of alien weather patterns could cause formations like these. Very cool, Ryan!