
(8 customer reviews)


SKU: pinnacle1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


Living in the flattest part of the US has given me an endless fascination with mountains.   They are almost mystical to me.   Here I’ve used Gaea and VUE to create a restful mountain lake.

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8 reviews for Pinnacle

  1. Tom Boynton

    A cool variant could be if you added a couple of planets in the sky as if this was on another world and showed the peak details a bit better.

  2. James Tullett

    Looks like it’s in the same area as “Lupin Vale” – love the clouds wreathing the pinnacle!

  3. Patrick Howard

  4. Jeffrey Thayer

    Simply Gorgeous! Thanks Ryan.

  5. Daniel Wiedemeier


  6. Tim Thompson

    As beautiful as the night version was, I much prefer this version. Yes, the peak is more visible in the night version, but this one clearly shows the beauty of the entire scene, and I for one, just love the fact that there are the nice puffy clouds around the peak of the mountain. I have seen a fair share of mountains in my time, and the higher up you go, the more potential for clouds to cover the peak. I think you nailed this one.
    That is just my opinion though and will vary from everyone else’s 😀 Keep up the wonderful work

  7. Matt Leavitt

    Sorry, meant so say “dawn” not “night” scene above. 🙂

  8. Matt Leavitt

    This is beautiful, but I am a bit disappointed that there are far too many clouds that cover the best details of the peak that were perfect and visible in the night view. I much prefer daytime scenes, but the night scene definitely has a better mountain (which I would think should be the focus as it rises above the trees in the foreground). Overall 4 of 5 stars.

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