The Oracle


SKU: oracle Category: Tags: ,


Created 9/8/98 using a head from Poser 3 imported into Ray Dream
5 and mangled there. The head was then put into Bryce where I
built his surroundings. My friend Chad said it looked like
liquid metal, so I guess that’s what it is.

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= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

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6 reviews for The Oracle

  1. Mike [basicmember]

    This is my favorite render of all of yours. i would love to see this updated into the larger formats.

  2. Ryan

    Only 5 years before Matrix Revolutions ;-)Thanks! I’ve always had a soft spot for this piece.

  3. Inquisidor

    At the first moment I saw It, I thought: Neo just before the final fight in Matrix Revolutions film… This is a nice one

  4. Alex H

    The thumbnail is broken for the picklejar and the link is broken for the 1600 x 1200 picklejar version. (There also seems to be a broken image in your comment

  5. Ryan

    Lol, more like Terminator 2 and The Empire Strike Back probably. I still need to read Wrinkle in Time!

  6. Travis

    Inspiration from A Wrinkle in Time?

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