Cloud Terrace (Night)


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46 reviews for Cloud Terrace (Night)

  1. Trogon

    Have to say that, while the day version is a beautiful piece, this is much better for me as a desktop image for my computer. I have always preferred my desktop icons on the left side … unfortunately this means they got lost in the sun’s glare in the daytime image.

    Another thing I really like about the night version is the more contemplative feel of the image. The lights, are they other terraces like the one I’m standing on? Are there other people looking back at me wondering who’s looking at them? Are they lonely, happy, sad? Fabulous piece Ryan!

  2. Labanimal

    Will have to run lighten up these with photoshop – very dark!

  3. Phillip D

    Nice image, I like the triple widescreen one, it is a twist from the standard version…for in a triple screen you see the balcony as for two direction views . The night time scene is much better than the previous day time version. Nice lighting on the balcony.

  4. Mark

    “This is just how the Vue renderer handles extreme wide-angle frames.”

    Maybe you should launch a campaign with all the members of DB behind you to target e-on software to get a checkbox you can tick to make non-distorted images! They might co-operate, particularly with hundreds of members behind you (actually, that’s not a bad idea…).

  5. bart

    the largest tri-screen render doesn’t seem to have been uploaded properly — it cuts off towards the bottom.

    and here’s the usual request for Tendrils and The Comb in triple style.

  6. Ice

    It’s like seeing a lot of camp fires or torches or windows of small houses. It kind’a keeps one guessing – I like it very much.


    P.S. This is my first comment on DB, so let me place a few words. I very much apreciate digitalblasphemy, it’s great art! Pictures from the free gallery pretty much made my standard desktop background since 1999. Now i decided to sign up to support the great work. Keep it up!

  7. Carman

    Ryan, Looks like the dual and tri screen images are darker than the original single screen image.

  8. Randy

    I guess maybe I don’t see the small “imperfections” that others do. I only see fantastic pictures that continually baffle the people who see my desktops.

    I love the night scene. Nice contrast to the day scene.

  9. Greg in KC

    I love the dual screen version of the night scene. Amazing work as always, Ryan!!!

  10. omar;

    Great work!!

    Thanks for adding the lights on the mountains! Looks really fine.

  11. Mirek

    I can’t decide which I like better, day or night — they both look superb in their own respects.

  12. Tim

    I like the idea of a moonlit version and no lights on the hills. If you do a moon version, please keep the moon more or less normal size and maybe off to one edge of the sky.

    Good work as always!

  13. Chris

    This is one of the most beautiful images I have seen through the years. A night time render of this didn’t even occur to me but it’s just beautiful. If I had named this one, I might have called it “Shang-ri-la” as it conveys a sense of peace at the roof of the world. Fabulous work Ryan! Keep it up; I fully intend to renew my yearly membership.

  14. JLuv

    I like it but i think the high level cloud are a bit much. i like to thiknk that once your above the clouds you have clear skies.

  15. Logical

    This has to be one of your best wallpapers. It’s just perfect for a desktop- not too bright, not too busy. Great job!

  16. qfalconx

    Inspiring job….Thanks

  17. M Burgess

    I was hoping for a night version! I like the original, but it was too bright for my taste as a desktop background.

    Keep those night scenes coming!

  18. Kana

    Hey. Incredible job, once again!

    I would lean towards agreeing with Lee, though – you should make a pickle jar one with no lights on the other mountains – the fog and mountains and moon. 😀

  19. Devon Shaw

    … but the flipside to a darker wallpaper is that it provides adequate contrast for icons (and in my case, even my transparent buddy list) on the desktop. Thanks for filling the night version request!

  20. ErynFaith

    I like night, I like day, can we get dawn or dusk too with all the rosy pinks and oranges? I think that this would look awesome that way.

  21. Overdrive

    Love the original – love this one too!

    The lighting on the balcony & plants is absolutely superb. Wonderful!

    Just like the day-version:


  22. Matt

    It looks great. I always love the night ones more for some reason. It isn’t too dark on my LCD, you can see all the details. Looks great!

  23. Soulyouth

    Still waiting for a Dual-wide screen version of the day one, not a fan of this night scene, I liked the day one better.

  24. Venegas

    When I loaded this onto my laptop I could think of only one thing…

    Those are the most beautiful stars I’ve ever seen.

    Like everything else you post, I love it. Keep up the awesome work.

  25. SLS

    While I enjoyed the daytime version of Cloud Terrace and had it up on my monitors for several days, I must say – the nighttime version is definitely the winner for me!

    I love the little spots of light on the mountains – for me it adds a sign of life, along with mystery and speculation. I think the light hitting the terrace from behind really makes it feel like there is a building just out of site, with lights shining through some large glass doors and windows.

    Overall, there is just more depth and life in this version and it has the WOW factor I have come to love in Ryan’s work. It’s going to stay up on my monitors for awhile!

  26. Blaise

    I love both the day and the night version of this and the night version isn’t too dark at all.

  27. Justin

    …but it’s uh… too dark. Yeah, I mean, I can see all the dust on my monitor when the background is so dark. So, umm, can you do something about that?

    Heh… I’m just kidding. I tend to agree with some people on here about the comments lately. Critiques are great, but if you’re after 100% realistic photos, there are plenty of other sites out there.

    I’m more apt to enjoy the mystery and “out there” aspects of an image. And in that case, both the day and night versions of this image fit the bill. As always, keep up the good work.

  28. Sean W

    This looks like you walked out onto the terrace at about 9:30 PM or so and snapped off a picture. It looks very real in that the light from behind the “camera” doesn’t spill out much past the planters, illuminating the railing nicely. And, I’m really glad you went with the lights on the mountains idea; it works great! It wasn’t overdone, either, like there’s a few homes scattered all over the hills, precariously perched.

    The overall visibility on the monitor I’m using at work is a little low, but I’m in a very brightly illuminated setting. At home, in my cave-like lighting, it will look much better. Good one, Ryan!

  29. alexM

    I would have to say that I like this one better than the day one. I like the lights on the mountains. It looks like there are little houses up in the trees, perhaps like the one that the viewpoint is from. It’s a nice wallpaper.


  30. Josh

    Thank you so much for adding this! It is stunning! Becoming a lifetime member of this site, getting to see all of your new work, was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. This site really makes me happy.

    Now, let’s go back and do a night version of “Island Time”! ;-D

  31. Ella P.

    I love the night version. Thanks, Ryan.

  32. Patrick

    I like this one more then the day time one actully. Then again, I’ve been a fan more so for the night scenes and planet scapes

  33. MEvans

    While I do like the day version, I spend all my time at work in front of a monitor so I like dark background (friendly on the eyes). THANKS!!!

  34. Silliwench

    What I actually find the most fascinating about this one is the plants. When you look at the day one and the night one, they looks like they are completely different plants. The lighting and shadows make the scene look like it’s a completely different balcony. It just struck me in a way none of your other day/night scenes have.

  35. Pete

    Simply Spectacular!!!!

  36. Getwired

    Hey Ryan. I love the camp fires on the other mountains. Very cool. The moonlit clouds are fantastic. Sort of reminds me of the environment from a really cool PC game that was out several years back called ‘Project Nomads’. Great work!

  37. celmendo

    SO much better. Thank you for this!

  38. Mark

    Wow Ryan, you have really surpassed yourself with this one, absolutely stunning. Love the ‘alien’ sort of design.

  39. Sarah0177

    It’s supernal! Thanks! 🙂

  40. Mengistuh

    That is so COOL! It looks really mysterious. A place I would REALLY like to visit.

    Excellent job, Ryan!

  41. Lee

    It’s perfect as far as brightness goes, and I always prefer nighttime wallpapers for a desktop.

    I don’t particularly like the lights on the rock formations though. I would prefer simple silhouettes myself.

  42. Will

    I really like this one. I think I like it better than the daytime picture. Something about the darkness, the fog, and the warm safe feeling of being on the terrace.

    Now I only wish my wallpaper would change between the two depending on the time of day…


  43. Novacron

    This is the kind of setting I was looking for. I love it now 🙂

    Great work.

  44. Michelle

    Night kicks Day’s butt every time! It’s not too dark on my computer at all, and I love the lights on the mountain. I am pondering what may be causing them! 🙂

  45. Blizzard

    Hmmm… I must say that I love it. Good job!

  46. Kody

    This has to be the best night scene yet… keep em’ commin Ryan!

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