Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on February 9, 2019


My first render using Apophysis since 2017. Back then I created piece called “Cynosure” after following a tutorial on creating fractal flowers (with quite a bit of deviation). I’d meant to do a few more but got sidetracked for whatever reason.

I started from the same basic steps for this one but went for a more traditional flower look. I’m still deciding if I like the “sparkles” or not. What do you think?

Since both Shadowfax and Bucephalus are busy rendering I developed this one on Ian’s gaming computer while he was at school.

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Multiscreens available!!

I will be working hard to clear my slate of multiscreen versions going forward and Terra Mechanica should be ready sometime this weekend.

If you really want me to dedicate all of my energy to making multiscreens please hit up the Tip Jar My new signups always fall when I am not posting “new” renders so that tends to chase me back to the drawing board.

Posted on February 1, 2019


This is the second of a two render series that I started when we returned from our Blissful week in Maui.

While there I learned about the concept of makai and mauka. Makai means “towards the ocean” and mauka means “toward the mountains” and the words are used to tell folks which side of the road something is on. I could do a whole year of Hawaiian themed renders but the first two I wanted to attempt were a representation of the Makai/Mauka dichotomy.

The first image, “Mauka“, looked towards the mountains and now this scene looks toward the ocean. I chose not to use palm trees here, but rather tried to represent the “Monkey Pod” trees which are non-indigenous but beautiful.

All in all I am pretty much in love with Hawaii. I will return to the subject later 🙂

Dedicated to my lovely wife Jessica on her birthday!!

If you’ve enjoyed my work these past 20 odd years much of the credit goes to her.

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Jessie and I at a lovely birthday party last evening.

A post shared by Ryan Bliss (@dblasphemy) on Dec 9, 2018 at 5:49pm PST

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above).

I will be working hard to clear my slate of multiscreen versions going forward and Terra Mechanica should be ready sometime this weekend.

If you really want me to dedicate all of my energy to making multiscreens please hit up the Tip Jar My new signups always fall when I am not posting “new” renders so that tends to chase me back to the drawing board.

Posted on January 30, 2019

Terra Mechanica

After posting “Breath of Spring” yesterday enough of you expressed curiosity about my new project that I’ve decided to get send it out there.

As the afterglow our trip to Hawaii faded and the reality of winter set in, my thoughts took a bit of a darker turn. This piece was born out of working with the new Plant Factory to create inorganic looking structures. It was created and rendered entirely on my Bucephalus workstation while Shadowfax worked on something else (which should be finished soon).

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are coming soon (REALLY!)!

Posted on January 29, 2019

Breath of Spring

For the record, I created this scene back in September 2018. I held onto it thinking I would come back and make some revisions.

Fast-forword to January 2019 and this past week I’ve been working on something dark that pretty much reflects my mood atm with regard to Illinois in the wintertime. I looked at that image, which I was planning on posting today, and decided to hold off. It might accurately reflect my mood, but with a new Polar Vortex bearing down on us I felt the need to post something warmer.

I was hoping it would be the second in my Hawaiian inspired series but that render was lost to a crash earlier in the week. Re-rendering that one now!

This scene was an experiment with learning Plant Factory’s new “Flower Node”. If I had to do this one over I would probably cut back on the depth-of-field a bit 🙂 I hope you enjoy it and stay warm (or cool) wherever you are!

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are coming soon!

Posted on January 17, 2019


The Hawaiian islands just might be my favorite place on Earth and we were fortunate to be able to spend a week there after Christmas 2018 on the incredible island of Maui.

While there I learned about the concept of makai and mauka. Makai means “towards the ocean” and mauka means “toward the mountains” and the words are used to tell folks which side of the road something is on. I could do a whole year of Hawaiian themed renders but the first two I wanted to attempt were a representation of the Makai/Mauka dichotomy. As this image looks towards the mountains, expect the next in the series to look towards the ocean.

Mahalo for looking! I hope you enjoy them!!

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are coming soon!