Posted on May 17, 2000
A few new items today…
I spent yesterday trying to figure out Hypervoxels 3.0, and how it’s different than 2.0. I did a few renders of an abstract nature and I’ve posted them for your review. I chose one to display on the new images page and put the rest in the Picklejar, along with an animated version of the scene. The animation is MPG encoded, and it should run on just about every OS. Let me know if you have problems though (try saving the file to your hard disk rather than “streaming” it).
Posted on May 12, 2000
Posted on May 11, 2000
Posted on May 9, 2000
I would have posted Whirlwind a few days ago, but I was distracted when Dynamic-Realities released a Lightwave 6 patch for NatureFX. Finally I can use Skytracer (Lightwave’s “sky editor”) and have the sky realistically reflect off of a NatureFX ocean.
I’ve posted a set of three test renders in the Picklejar for your review.
Posted on May 3, 2000
My project this week has been to learn World Builder’s “Z-Buffer Composer”. It basically allows you to render a scene in WB and then use Lightwave (or MAX or Maya) to add in additional elements.
What makes this different from “Photoshopping” the image is that the Z-buffer data allows you to render objects correctly in 3D space (hidden by near objects and in front of ones far away). The process is two-way, meaning you can render a scene in Lightwave and export the render with extra Z (depth) data to World Builder.
I chose a simple scene for my first attempt, a tornado. You can check out a hi-res render and an accompanying animation in the Picklejar. I’ve only spent a couple of days on this, but I think it looks interesting enough to share if only for the wind blowing through the trees 🙂 The texturing on the clouds needs some serious work, I know.