Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on December 14, 2001

  • Added “Winterborn” today. It’s sort of a holiday wallpaper, but not completely seasonal. I created over 20 different “snowflakes” using the Xfrog software, but unfortunately you can only really see one of them here. Perhaps in the future I will create some other renders featuring the out-of-focus flakes. Either way, I hope you enjoy this render.

Posted on December 9, 2001

  • I added “Iris Nebula” to the gallery today; taking a little break from the holiday themes. I will try to do at least one more holiday wallpaper, given all the wonderful ideas that people have been mailing me.

Posted on December 5, 2001

  • I’ve posted a holiday “bonus” render of Fluorescence for you to enjoy. The idea came to me when Jessie brought home some poinsettias the other night. I wasn’t planning on posting this render (it was just an experiment), but after Jessica saw it she asked that I put it in the gallery. So here it is.

    One technical note about this render is that the ground is illuminated using Lightwave’s radiosity renderer. The scene is lit only by the glowing objects, there are no lights.

Posted on December 3, 2001

  • I’ve gotten many wonderful emails today with plenty of excellent suggestions for Holiday wallpapers. Thank you and please keep them coming. I took some your advice and made a couple of last tweaks to “Ornament”. The latest render is up on the New Images page. I really am going to move onto something else now.

Posted on December 2, 2001

  • Added “Ornament” to the gallery today. For the past few days I’ve been tweaking it and changing little things, trying to get a look that I liked. I still don’t think I’ve succeeded. Finally this afternoon Jessie told me that I needed to post it and move onto something else. She’s right, so here it is.

    I have to be honest with you folks. Ever since we moved out to California (back in ’99) it has been very difficult for me to get into the “Christmas Spirit”. I guess I need the changing seasons and my family around me. We had been planning on going back to the midwest for the holidays, but with airline tickets to my hometown (Bloomington, IL) selling for over $800 it doesn’t look like we’ll be making the trip this year. Humbug!

    Still, I won’t let any of this stop me from making festive images for your desktop. People have been requesting little else. I’d appreciate your help though. If any of you have any ideas for Holiday wallpapers, I would love to hear them.

  • A week or two ago I was contacted by a subscriber asking permission to host a mailing list which would inform everyone when I posted a new image in the Members Gallery. I’ve been meaning to do something like this myself, but I just never found the time. Anyway, the list is up and it seems to be working just fine. Mailings are short, ad-free, and you need not log in to remove yourself from the list. Here’s the link if you are interested. Thanks Rus!