Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 14, 2002

  • I spent all afternoon working on Plan B (see this morning’s post) and I think it worked out nicely. I actually think this version turned out much nicer than the failed render. The new piece, entitled “Macrocosm”, is now up on the new images page. Comments appreciated (is it too dark?).
  • I was about ready to cry this morning. The Lightwave render that I started on Thursday night was supposed to be done this morning, but instead I woke up to find that it had crashed. Such frustration comes with the territory I guess, but it’s still heart-breaking.

    Moving onto Plan B now, which will hopefully result in a new render on your desktop by either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Posted on July 10, 2002

  • Last Sunday, after I posted “Denouement“, I immediately started working on a new wallpaper. This one is still in the space genre, and it should be ready before the end of the week. I’m going to leave “Denouement” as is, but I’ve posted a few early versions for you to check out in the Pickle Jar.

Posted on July 7, 2002

  • Added “Denouement” to the gallery today. I had thought about holding onto it until tomorrow, but then I decided it would be nice to have something new up for the folks who are returning to work after a long weekend. There are still some things I would like to tweak, but they can wait. Hope you like it!

Posted on July 6, 2002

  • I hope you are all enjoying your (hopefully long) weekend. I just wanted everyone to know that I am working on something new and I hope to have it up by Monday.

Posted on July 4, 2002

  • Jessie and I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July. I’ve been wearing my programmer hat this week and have been handling some back-end coding issues that I’d let slide for too long. Unfortuantely that means there won’t be a new wallpaper up until probably next week.

    Looking for a festive Independance Day wallpaper? There are two images in the gallery which you might be interested in. There’s a fireworks image here and there’s the “Emblem Of” image that I posted last September. Happy Fourth!