Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on November 15, 2003

  • Just wanted you all to know that I am working on a new wallpaper. Jessie tells me that it’s good enough to post right now, but I want to hold onto it for a few more days. It needs a little extra something. I’d love for it to be done by Monday, but Ian’s baptism is Sunday and with all the grandparents hanging out it will be difficult for me to find time for modeling. I hope to have it up early next week.
  • Thanks to everyone who wrote me with opinions on the dual-monitor split files. Since so many of you seem to have uses for them (especially Mac users) I will be keeping them around.

Posted on November 6, 2003

  • After tinkering some more with “The Source”, I’ve come to conclusion that I am happy with it (for the time being) and I’m ready to move on. I’ve posted a widescreen version and a few more color variations in the Pickle Jar.
  • I’ve added 2560 x 1024 versions of all the dual-screen images, so those of you with 2 1280 x 1024 screens should be able to use my work now. I’m thinking about removing the split files though. They don’t really get used that much. If anyone has any strong objections please drop me a line.

Posted on November 5, 2003

  • I’ve posted another revision to “The Source“. I’m getting closer to being happy with this one.

Posted on November 4, 2003

  • I was still working on “The Source” last week, but had to set it aside over the weekend due to some houseguests from out of town (everyone wants to come and meet the baby). I started working again yesterday and have another revision up for your review.

    I thought the original crystal was too flat and the whole image looked too monochromatic. I’m still working on this one and will most likely have another update before I’m through (it’s rendering right now). Sorry they take so long, but the image takes around 10 hours to render.

  • MIT’s student newspaper, “The Tech”, reviewed my website last week. The review is online now if you are interested in checking it out.

Posted on October 28, 2003

  • The great majority of the comments I receieved regarding “The Source” have been asking if I could change the color from green to blue. That’s fine with me, as I was on the fence myself about which color to use. I’ve re-rendered the image in blue it’s up on the new images page. The green version is still available in the Pickle Jar. Which do you prefer?