Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on May 24, 2004

  • The last couple of weeks I’ve received a flurry of requests for more planetary images. Of course, I am all too happy to oblige. My latest planetscape, “Pantheon“, is now up for your review. I hope you like it!

Posted on May 18, 2004

  • I’ve posted a dual-screen version of “Sigil”. Sorry for the wait.
  • Ian turns nine months old tomorrow. He’s crawling around now and pulling himself up to a standing position. He can even take a few steps on his own. Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to post another photo so you all could see how he’s grown. Yes, I am a proud Dad.

Posted on May 14, 2004

Posted on May 13, 2004

  • I was playing around with Vue d’Esprit Pro this afternoon when Jessie walked into my office. She looked at what I was working on and said “Oooh pretty, you should post that”. I wasn’t planning on it, but I’ve learned to trust her judgement in these matters. The image, “Sunset Cove”, is now up on the new images page. I hope you like it!

Posted on May 11, 2004

  • I’ve added a widescreen version of “Sigil” to the gallery. Sorry it took so long, but Jessie and I took Ian back to Illinois to visit the family for Mother’s Day. I’ll try to get a dual-screen version done before too moving on to something else. Still waiting for Lightwave 8 to arrive…