Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 16, 2006

  • There’s been enough votes that I can now add “Top 10” pages for each year (check the gallery links to the left) and and “All Time Top 10“. Thanks for all the votes so far!
  • By popular request, I’ve extended the image ratings to the “Pickle Jar” versions. I’m not sure what I will do if the Pickles rate higher than the images in the gallery though. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Posted on July 15, 2006

  • If you are familiar with my free gallery you know that I ask users to rate the images on a 1 to 10 scale. This morning I added the rating system to the members gallery. Now you can rate your favorite (or least favorite) images and when enough ratings are compiled I will be able to add a “Top Rated” page to track the most popular images in the gallery. I will also be looking at the least popular images as examples of what not to do in the future.

    As with the free gallery, you get one vote per image (so be certain before you hit the submit button). Unlike the free gallery, however, you don’t need to load the full size image in order to vote (each thumbnail has a rating button). If you’ve never viewed the full-size image, however, I would appreciate it if you check it out before voting. Sometimes the thumbnail doesn’t do justice to the full-size image.

    Please drop me a line if you have any questions. Thanks for helping out!



  • Added “Cosmic Dawn” to the gallery this morning. Jessie and I were watching “2001” on HDNET Movies a few nights ago and I was inspired to create a new planetscape. Multi-monitor versions will be available shortly.

Posted on July 6, 2006

Posted on July 3, 2006

  • I spent most of last week catching up on my multi-monitor renders. I’ve posted dual and triple screen versions of “Flora”, “Enclosure (2006)”, and “Undiscovered”. “Episteme” will have to wait until a new version of Apophysis allows me to render at 4800 x 1200 (I get out of memory errors with the current version). “Verdure” will have to wait until my new workstation arrives (see 6/27 post). A tri-screen render on my current machine would probably take 2 weeks to complete.

    For you single monitor users I’ve added a night version of “Undiscovered”. I know some of you mentioned that the day version was a little bright, so hopefully this one will work better for you.

    Happy 4th to all of my American members!

Posted on June 27, 2006

  • I’ve been saying for the past year that my workstation has been getting old (I’ve had it almost 4 years now). Yesterday I finally ordered myself a new one. All of my previous machines have been Dells, but I decided to go with a Boxx 8300 this time around (they offered the Quadro FX 5500 where Dell only had 4500s available). If you are interested in the specs, here they are. The new system should ship in a couple of weeks.

    FYI: The Boxx website is here. They have a referral program going so if you purchase a machine from them they will give you 5% off your online order (enter the coupon code “BOXXREWARDS” and my userid “DIGITALBLASPHEMY”).

  • The multi-screen version of “Undiscovered” should be up later today.