Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 21, 2024

Dark Star

Inspiration can strike at any time.   I love to read but usually only find the time right before bed.   Lately I’ve been reading the amazing “Sun Eater” series by Christopher Ruocchio and his description of location in outer space really painted a vivid picture in my head.   I won’t go any further than that because I don’t want to spoil the books for anyone.    Created using Cinema4D Pyro volumetrics and rendered using Redshift.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on August 8, 2024

Summer Overlook (Night)

For those who prefer darker desktops here’s a night version of “Summer Overlook“.   Chose not to add too many lights to this one to keep it mostly silhouettes of hills, moonlight and fog.   I considered fireflies but on this scale it I think it would have looked pretty noisy and chaotic.   

I will probably add a Winter version before the year’s end but feel like moving on to something else right now. Been reading a great sci-fi series and it’s got me inspired to do a space scene…

Posted on August 2, 2024

Autumn Overlook

It’s probably no secret that I love creating Autumn landscapes and take great inspiration from the turning of the seasons.     I usually start wanting to create them long before the leaves start changing color or the air cools.    For this scene I’ve imagined an overlook above some rolling foothills fading to a mountain covered with peak fall foliage.   It’s very flat where I live and I’ve never actually had the opportunity to see a scene like this with my own eyes.   Hopefully it’s not too far from reality.   I’d love to travel to some hill country to see fall colors someday!