Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on December 28, 2011

Gotham Garden (Winter) -- Updated 12/28/11

On Christmas day DB Member “Puritania” asked if I could possibly complete my Gotham Garden seasonal series by adding a winter version.

It took me about a year to get back to it but I am happy to report winter has finally come to Gotham. The changes needed for winter are a bit more complicated than for the warmer seasons but I think it turned out pretty well.

I hope you enjoy it. I will try to have the multiscreen up shortly!

Posted on December 25, 2011

Blue Christmas (Happy Holidays!) -- Updated 12/19/11

Taking a few minutes out of building Legos with the boys to post a new “night sky” version of “Blue Christmas” in my Pickle Jar.

I still prefer the sunset version myself but it’s nice to have options. You could also load the versions into ChronoWall and have them change with the clock. Which do you prefer?

All of us at DB (myself, Jessie, Ian and Jason) wish you all the happiest of holidays and a wonderful 2012!

Posted on December 22, 2011

I’ve just added dual and triple-screen versions of my “Blue Christmas” update. From the feedback I’ve gotten so far it sounds like the twilight sky is bit polarizing.

For my part; I chose to add some color because so many of my Christmas tree wallpapers have been under black skies. I wanted to do something a little different. Maybe Christmas isn’t the time for “different” though. I tend to think that sometimes polarizing is a little better anyway, because it may be a stronger feeling for the people that do enjoy it.

What do you think? Either way I do think a second render will go up before I am completely finished with this one. The multiscreen in particular needs some nip-tucks before I am fully happy with it. I sort of rushed a few things so it would be ready in advance of the Holiday.

Posted on December 19, 2011

Blue Christmas (Happy Holidays!) -- Updated 12/19/11I finally managed to finish my Christmas render today and I’ve just added it to the Members Gallery.

This is, of course, an update to my “Blue Christmas” which I rendered first using World Builder in 1999, then again using Lightwave in 2002. This is my first version using Vue d’Esprit.

It would be an understatement to say that this was a difficult render to produce. Without getting too technical I will just say that you can really get yourself into trouble by cranking up the quality settings in Vue. Also, I’ve found the new version of Vue doesn’t even begin to accurately estimate the render time remaining. I don’t want to spoil the Holiday spirit with any further rantings so I will leave it at that.

Fortunately I was able to finish the render (though I had to restart it a few times) and I think it turned out pretty well. I do see a few things I would like to tweak but I might wait until after the Holidays to do any re-renders.

The multiscreen has been rendering on my alternate workstation for the past few days so it should be up shortly. I hope you enjoy the new wallpaper!

PS: Did you know that I offer Membership Gift Certificates?

Posted on December 10, 2011

The first multiscreen render of “Elegy (Winter/Day)” didn’t turn out quite as well as I would have liked. Widening the camera angle left me with an image that was far brighter/glaring than the original single-screen.

I posted it anyway and set about re-rendering it with some new atmospheric settings to compensate for the wide-angle. That new render finished yesterday and I’ve updated the dual and triple-screen versions in my Member gallery.

My new Christmas render is nearly finished (!) and I hope to have it up in the next 24 hours.

Also, my 25% off coupon (good for both new subscriptions and renewals) expires at midnight tonight! Everyone (not just redditors) is welcome to use the coupon code “redditor” to get the discount.