Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 8, 2012

Just got back from a visit with good friends and family down in Texas. I’d hoped the multiscreen version of “Year of the Dragon” would have been finished rendered by the time I returned but unfortunately it crashed midway and I am reworking it now. I hope to have it finished before tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are some Pickle Jar versions from the early development that I think some of you might enjoy…

What do you think? Should I have kept the beach scene?

Lastly, I also wanted to mention that I have replaced the Facebook comment threads in the Free Gallery with new comment boxes from Disqus. I would love to hear your thoughts on my work!

Members, of course, still have a direct line to me through my native comments .

Posted on July 31, 2012

Year of the Dragon -- Added 07/31/12I’ve added “Year of the Dragon” to the Members Gallery this morning.

This piece started out as a commission for a rather well-known individual, but for reasons beyond my control I was never able to deliver it as a private wallpaper. I thought the idea behind it was pretty cool however so I went ahead and fleshed it out.

I wonder if anyone can guess who the original recipient was supposed to be.

Posted on July 25, 2012

I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “The Eye of Aquila” to the Members Gallery this afternoon.

This one took a bit longer than usual to finish because I spent a few days trying out some different changes to the single-screen. Some people really like this one while some others really don’t. . .

In the end, I decided to stick with my original vision. I hope you guys like purple 😉

Posted on July 21, 2012

I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Magnetar” to the Members Gallery. It is actually a 7680 x 1600 section from a larger 7680 x 4800 render so the magnetar itself is much more prominent.

I thought this was preferable to adding more empty space on the sides but opinions may differ. I am interested to hear your feedback in the comment section.

The Eye of Aquila” has turned out to be somewhat polarizing. Some folks love it and others feel it is too busy (and purple). To be honest I am still trying to decide if I want to tweak it or not.

Posted on July 16, 2012

The Eye of Aquila -- Added 07/16/12If you’ve been following my work for a while you probably know that I always have a bit of a quandry with my space pics. Do I show the view “from space” or is it better to create a view “from the ground”?

In the case of my “Magnetar” I’ve decided to do both and I have added “The Eye of Aquila” to the Members Gallery this morning.

What do you think? Does it deserve its own place in the gallery?

I also wanted to mention that all of my Zazzle posters and canvases are 50% off for the rest of today if you use the coupon code “ZBDAYARTDEAL”.
