Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on December 10, 2014


Here’s a nice little minimalistic wallpaper I put together while relearning how to create 3D fractals using Mandelbulber. Expect a few other, perhaps less minimalistic, versions in the days ahead as my knowledge expands.


Posted on December 9, 2014

The Black Angel (Winter)

I’ve added a winter version of “The Black Angel” to the Members Gallery this morning. I created the original “Black Angel” as a Halloween wallpaper but I was already thinking how interesting it might look as a winter scene.

I’ve used the same snow-covering technique that I first attempted in Hokkaido to cover the branches and vines with snow. This scene, however, was considerably more complicated so the results were not always perfect.

No, this is not my Christmas wallpaper for 2014 😉


Posted on December 2, 2014


This is what happens when I try to recreate a lost abstract and end up going off on an entirely different tangent. I somehow managed to erase my scene file for “Infinitesimal” before I was able to render the multiscreen version. I still had the objects though so I set about trying to recreate it.

For whatever reason, though, I couldn’t get it to look right. I created a bit of new geometry then, thinking I would just create a new “Infinitesimal”, but I was never able to get results that I felt were better than the gallery version.

I decided, in the end, to scrap the revision and just create something new with my new geometry. I hope you like the results!

I chose a different camera angle for the multiscreen to better use the wider frame.

My ultra-widescreen version of “Pyre (2014)” for multiple-monitors and 21:9 is now available. I’ve also added a selection of 5120 x 2880 “5K” images to fit the new Apple iMacs. The zip file is available for Members on the Downloads page.


Posted on November 29, 2014


Here’s my third (final?) version of my “Pyre” update (see the original “Pyre” here). I’ve added a bit more “halo” around the pyre, changed the pose of the pyromancer, and added some magic coming from his fingertips.

The first two renders will remain available in the Pickle Jar. Let me know what you think!


Posted on November 19, 2014

Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet the past couple of weeks. I’ve actually had three projects going and here’s the first that I think is ready for the gallery. It’s a little 3D doodle I rendered on my Macbook Pro while Bucephalus and Asfaloth were busy rendering. I created the geometry using Xfrog and rendered using Lightwave 11.

Members can check out my WIP preview page to get a look at one of the other projects and I’ve teased the other on my Instagram page. Hope to have the others ready soon!