Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 20, 2024

Opalescence (Ice)

Here’s a version of “Opalescence” where I’ve attempted to learn to use Octane’s volumetric fog.   It added quite a bit of render time and was very interesting to learn.   Someday I will be rendering my landscapes using Octane and C4D (VUE development has been halted) so I had better learn how to use the fog 🙂

Fog or no fog?   Let me know which version you prefer!

Posted on July 15, 2024

Opalescence (White)

After sharing “Opalescence” last week quite a few Members suggested I make some color variations.   One of the more interesting requests came from Plus Member Omar Calderon who asked that I create a white (day) version.    I envisioned something like blocks of ice and I hope it serves to cool you off mentally if it’s crazy hot where you are.   What do you think?   Pickle Jar or gallery??

Posted on July 12, 2024


Happy Friday! Experimenting here with shading in Octane render within Cinema4D.     C4D’s “Redshift” renderer is built-in and that has lead me to favor it but Octane is very fast and capable of some really interesting effects.   I pay extra for it so I thought it was time I dig in and take advantage of its features.   

The geometry here is pretty simple but I think it shows off the shader pretty well and is interesting to look at.   I hope you enjoy it!