Posted on October 18, 2021
With the emminent approach of DB 2.0 and my recent entry into the NFT market, I’ve been thinking of other ways to change things up in take DB into the 20s and beyond. I’ve always tried to have options available for folks at all levels and I know the most popular has always been my Lifetime Membership. I get it. It’s great to pay once and forget about.
Unfortunately I didn’t really forsee still making art 20 years later and still needing support to keep it all going. I love my Lifetime Members. Most of them paid a premium for it and I don’t begrudge them their foresight. I will always honor my Lifetime Memberships!
That said, I’ve decided I can no longer offer new ones as freely as I have been. Once DB 2.0 debuts, which is very soon (subscribe to my Discord for more info), I will remove that option from the signup and renewal page.
I’ve decided that the only way to purchase a new Lifetime Membership going forward will be to collect one of my 1/1 NFTs. I want as many collectors as possible so this is a reasonable perk that I can offer. I’m only planning on minting a few hundred of my work (tops) so that will put a final hard limit on how many Lifetime Members I will have.
I don’t want to sound ungrateful to the folks who signed up as Lifetime Members (some for only $50) years and years ago. I really needed the money at the time and you guys stepped up. You will always have a home here. If you would like to pitch in and give a little extra though at any time I have a Tip Jar and a special class of yearly Member called a “Lifetime Supporter” which grants you access to my Lossless Masters.
If you aren’t yet a Member and want to sign up for a Lifetime Membership before the deadline please keep in mind that you will need a Lifetime Plus Membership to have access to those Masters. If you are current Member you can still log in and purchase a Lifetime renewal here.
I will continue to offer my affordable Membership options and I hope to add more and more free wallpapers to the gallery in the future. Thank you all for your amazing support these past 20+ years and I hope you will stick with me for the next 20!!
(Not into NFTs? Want something you can hold? My entire Zazzle collection is 30% off today)