Posted on October 12, 2018

Sliver of Sun (Autumn)

It seemed like a good idea to attempt an autumn version of “Sliver of Sun” even though it’s a high altitude landscape and the trees aren’t your usual colorful deciduous varieties. Honestly I think it turned out OK but it isn’t really my favorite Autumn render. The camera is quite far from the trees here an I think the intervening haze mutes the colors a bit.

I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are available!

A Message From Jessie

16 Years!! Today happens to be my 16th wedding anniversary so it seems like a good time to mention that my wife Jessica has started a new business venture and could really use your support. If you are interested in taking great care of your skin please have a look at this page to learn more!

Remember that supporting her also supports DB!! We are partners 100%!