Posted on March 1, 2014

It has been a banner week for generosity around here. Earlier in the week one of my Members kindly purchased a Lifetime Gift Certificate and addressed it to me with the stipulation that it be given to an active-duty servicemember or combat veteran. I announced this on my Facebook page and soon after I received another Lifetime Membership donation to match the first. Then a third Lifetime donation came in, this time earmarked for a deserving teacher!

So I have two Lifetime Memberships to give away to active-duty service members and one for a teacher. If you are an active-duty service member all you need to do to be considered is meet the above criteria and post a comment on this page. I have set up a separate page for teachers here.

All of this generosity got me thinking that I should post a page where people anyone who might need Membership, but not be able to legally acquire one, can tell their stories and people who want to help out can do so.

To help out any of these individuals simply address a gift certificate to me and and reference the person you want to receive it and I will do the rest.

03-04-14 UPDATE: The originally donated Memberships have all been delivered. The original donor for teachers was so touched by all of the responses that she purchased 1-Month gift certificates for everyone who posted!

Donations for…

Thanks so much to my generous Members!!