Posted on April 4, 2011

We Don't Like Zombies -- Updated 04/04/10I teased recently that I would be doing a wallpaper based on my family’s favorite video game and there was interested speculation. No, my kids are little too young for WoW (and I avoid MMORPGs for fear of being sucked in). In my house the go-to game is PopCap‘s “Plants vs Zombies“.

Now I do quite a bit of “plant modeling” in my work and I had the idea to introduce my kids to how I work by creating a scene they would be familiar with. They had quite a bit of editorial input on how the plants should look and I think they came away thinking I was pretty cool (better enjoy it while it lasts). I plan for them to help me model some of the other plants in the game as exercises so don’t be surprised if you see another PvZ theme in the future.

I’ve never done a wallpaper based on another “property” so I felt a little strange about posting it for Members only. In the end I decided to post it concurrently in my Members and Free galleries.

The boys and I hope you enjoy it! Stay tuned for the “Tropic of Thetismultiscreen shortly…