Posted on September 1, 2010

  • A few of items to mention today. First, is having a Labor Day sale. Until Monday you can get 50% off posters by using promo code “LABORDAYSALE”. I just added “Gotham Garden (Summer)” and the “riderless” version of “The Ride” to the collection so please have a look if you are interested.
  • Second, Members can now download the dual and triple-screen versions of “Tears from Heaven“.

    I know a number of you didn’t care for the desert foreground so I have been playing around with some other options. Nothing solid yet, but suffice to say I haven’t abandoned this project just yet.

  • Lastly, I was going through some renders on my hard drive and came across one that gave a little pang of regret. It was an early render of “Pulsar” that I would have posted in my gallery if I hadn’t accidentally overwritten it. I wasn’t able to recreate it and instead went a slightly differnt direction. Too bad, because I personally prefer this version to the one I ended up with.

    I kept the render however and I’ve posted it in the Pickle Jar for your review. If enough people prefer this one to the gallery version I wouldn’t be adverse to switching them, especially since I ended up with two different single/multi-screen versions anyway. Either way it’s nice to have options.