Posted on December 6, 2009

  • Welcome to the new Digital Blasphemy! I have moved the free and members galleries from their 8-year old servers and I have merged them on a zippy new box. I have a developer working on a snazzy new site with all of the tech you’d expect in a 21st century site so please think of this site as transitional. Here’s what’s new:

    If you are a Member:

    • Things should look pretty familar to you. There’s now a dropdown box for selecting downloads and rating images. A login box will pop up the first time you use either of them. Your DB login should still be in the box (if you’ve saved it from previous logins) but if it isn’t you can reset your password if you’ve forgotten it via the “Login Required” screen.
      Basically, you only need to log in to download, rate images, or leave comments. Once I get the banner ads working you will not see them after you have logged in.
    • The Pickle Jar is offline for the moment. It will return soon and hopefully be easier to navigate.

    If you are not yet a Member:

    • You can sign up here.

      Otherwise, you will find the Free Samples here. There’s some good news and bad news for the free gallery users. Bad news: There will only be 10 free samples from here on out and I have eliminated the 1152 x 864 resolution. Good news: I will be rotating random images into the Free Samples more frequently. They might be older works (nothing pre-widescreen though) or they might be recent works (though only Members will have access to my newest works).

    • I’ve added “At World’s Edge (Winter)” to the Free Samples.
    • The User Gallery is on hiatus. I hope to bring it back in the future, bigger and better than before.