Posted on September 6, 2007

  • It’s been a while since I posted so I thought you all might like a status report. Last week I decided to take a few days off to work on some non-art related projects and rest my brain a little. I started back in on another project this week but it’s not quite ready yet (I have a render completed but it’s not gallery-worthy yet). I’m going to be working on it through the weekend though and hope to have it early next week (hopefully before my birthday Tuesday) if not sooner.
  • A couple of months ago I was looking for some new music to listen to while working and I came upon a band called “State Radio”. The more songs I listened to the more I liked them and now they rank as one of my favorite bands around.

    Why am I telling you this? I was just looking at their website and it looks like they are giving away free downloads of all their previous albums (to celebrate their upcoming release). Wish I had known they were going to do this before I bought them on iTunes. Oh well. If you only download one, I recommend “Us Against The Crown”. Enjoy!