Posted on December 11, 1999

  • Quite a few of you have written me asking if it would be possible to purchase a membership as a gift for someone else. I had stopped offering gift memberships when I switched over to my own secure sever, but I’m happy to announce that my they’re back and better than before. Purchase as many as you like because for each one you buy I’ll add 30 days to your account. I personally think this is the coolest gift idea out around, and if I were anyone else I would love to get one. 🙂 Click here for more info!.

    I think I’ve written enough code to last me while so now I’m going to refocus my efforts on artwork. I will try to keep things in the holiday spirit (see the next item below). Don’t be surprised if you suggestions you gave me show up in my next offering!

  • Believe me. I would much rather be making artwork than writing programs to fend off password crackers. Unfortunately, circumstances have dictated otherwise. Please read my new security bulletin. I won’t say anything else about it here, except that my holiday spirit really needs a shot in the arm. 🙁