Posted on November 9, 1999
Last week went by way too fast. I finally assembled all the right parts for my new workstation and the last few days have been spent migrating my old setup to the new machine. In case you missed it, the system is a Dell Precision 410 with Dual Pentium III 600 processors, 1 GB of RAM and a Diamond Fire GL1 graphics card. Fast? You betcha!
My “art time” recently has been spent working with the Lightwave renderer. I haven’t done anything yet that I feel especially proud of, or you would have seen it. I will continue, however, to prod it’s mysteries. I did break down last night and I started a Bryce only image which is still rendering as I write this. It should be done sometime later today and will be up soon thereafter.
I managed to find a few “long lost” Bryce files yesterday. The first is “Red Sky at Night“, and I promptly rendered a 1600 x 1200 version for those of you with large monitors.
The second file is truly “back from the dead”. You see, the image you know as “Gotham” is a “forced” second draft. The original was quite different but the file was “eaten” by Bryce (meaning it wouldn’t open for me) and I had to abandon it. I have to be honest with you here, I spent a lot less time on the second version of Gotham than the original, but I was definitely pleased with the results as I know a lot of people were.
Still, the original look has it’s merits and I was thrilled to discover that Bryce 4.1 could “resurrect” it! So here it is, remember that it was designed over a year ago π
Lastly, I’ve posted my “alternate version” of Fluorescence. I had originally designed two different color schemes for the mushrooms, it was my girlfriend Jessie who chose the one you saw last week (though we were in complete agreement as to which one was superior). The alternate is now available because I think it looks cool, and it’s doing no one any good hiding out on my hard drive.
More to come…