Posted on March 14, 2025
Happy Friday! Here’s a blue moonlit version of “Giantswood” for those folks who prefer darker desktops. Yes, I exaggerated the moonbeams a little but I felt it necessary to provide some contrast to the scene and keep it from being too dark.
Which version do you prefer? 🤔
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Posted on March 12, 2025
My Mom has given me a Sierra Club wall calendar for Christmas going back at least 15 years and I walk by it daily (I give her a DB calendar). I’m often inspired by the amazing photos on display and this month features a photo of redwoods. I started out trying to create something similar to the photo but (as often happens) I diverged and went my own way. Hope you enjoy it!!
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Posted on March 11, 2025
Here’s the background nebula I created for “Ephemeris” in Blender. As I mentioned before, you can use Blender to create static volumetric spaces that you can explore with the camera. The nebulae I’d created in Cinema4D required generating an animated volume that you then froze at a certain point. Still trying to figure out which model I prefer.
What do you think? Should this stay in the Pickle Jar or go in the gallery??
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Posted on March 7, 2025
Continuing my deep dive into nebula creation using Blender that I started with “Outland“. Again I used Gaea2 for the foreground though I intentionally kept things minimal because I wanted to the sky, atmosphere and reflections to be the focus. Blender nebulae are created using a very different procedure than how I’ve created them using Cinema4D and I’m trying to decide which I prefer going forward.
They each have their pros and cons but both are fun to explore. I hope you enjoy my experiments!
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Posted on March 5, 2025
In 2022 I created a special version of “Fluorescence” using the colors of the Ukrainian flag to show my support. Just recently a member requested that I update my “Cobalt Daisy” with those colors given that the sunflower happens to be the national flower of Ukraine. I thought it a worthwhile endeavor so I fired up my old copy of Lightwave on my Shadowfax workstation and came up with this new version.
Like the special version of “Fluorescence”, this special version is free to download.
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